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/*global $, console, jQuery, localStorage */
window.Memorable = {};
* Class that describes the management of a memorable input - identifying, watching, saving, and restoring
Memorable.InputManager = (function(){
var defaults = {
// regex to determine if an input's name can't reliably identify it, as many inputs have randomized
// names for antispam purposes.
invalidInputName: /([A-Za-z0-9\-_]{28})/,
// selectors of buttons that represent a user cancellation, and will clear remembered inputs in the form
cancelSelectors: '.cancel_edit_post, .cancel_form, input[value=Cancel]'
* @param inputObj - the InputBasic or InputMDE object representing the input to be tracked
* @constructor
function InputManager(inputObj, options){
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this.inputObj = inputObj;
this.$form = this.inputObj.getForm();
//watch the Input object for change
this.inputObj.watchObj.on(this.inputObj.watchEvent, this.handleSave.bind(this));
//watch "cancel"-style links, to forget immediately
$(this.options.cancelSelectors, this.$form).on('click', this.handleCancel.bind(this));
//watch for hidden inputs that might be revealed
this.$form.on('replyRevealed', this.inputObj.refresh.bind(this.inputObj));
//restore from localStorage
* Builds a unique key to use when persisting the input's value
* @returns {string}
InputManager.prototype.getStorageKey = function(){
var self = this;
function isUsableName($el){
var name = $el.attr('name');
if (name && !name.match(self.options.invalidInputName)){
return true;
function getRelativeAction($f){
var action = $f[0].action;
var list = action.split('/');
var relativeAction = "/" + list.slice(3).join('/');
return relativeAction;
var key = '';
var $f = this.$form;
var keySeparator = '__';
if ($f.attr('action')){
var relativeAction = getRelativeAction($f);
key += relativeAction;
if (isUsableName(this.inputObj.$el)) {
key += keySeparator + this.inputObj.$el.attr('name');
} else if (this.inputObj.$el.attr('class')) {
// id can't be relied upon, because of EW. We can key off class, if it's the only one in the form.
var klass = this.inputObj.$el.attr('class');
if ($('.' + klass, $f).length == 1) {
key += keySeparator + klass;
} else {
throw "Element isn't memorable, it has no unique class";
} else {
throw "Element isn't memorable, it has no identifiable traits";
return key;
* Gets the value of the tracked input field
InputManager.prototype.getValue = function(){
return this.inputObj.getValue();
* Saves the input's value to local storage, and registers it as part of the form for later removal
*/ = function(){
localStorage[this.getStorageKey()] = this.getValue();
* Event handler for invoking the save
* @param e
* @returns {boolean}
InputManager.prototype.handleSave = function(e){
if (e.preventDefault){
return false;
* Event handler for clicking "cancel"
* @param e
* @returns {boolean}
InputManager.prototype.handleCancel = function(e){
return true;
* Fetches the tracked input's persisted value from storage
* @returns {string}
InputManager.prototype.storedValue = function(){
return localStorage[this.getStorageKey()];
* Fetches the input's remembered value and restores it to the target field
InputManager.prototype.restore = function(){
if (!this.storedValue()){
return InputManager;
* Class describing a simple input field, as identified by a selector or DOM element, with specific methods for
* getting & setting the value, and finding it's parent form
* @property obj: the raw object representing the field to be tracked; a standard jquery object
* @property watchEvent: the name of the event to watch to detect when changes have been made
* @property watchObj: the object instance to watch for events on. same as this.obj
* @property $el: the jquery object representing the actual input field on the page. same as this.obj
Memorable.InputBasic = (function() {
* @param obj: a selector or DOM Element identifying the basic input field to be remembered
* @constructor
function InputBasic(obj) {
this.obj = $(obj);
this.watchEvent = 'change';
this.watchObj = this.obj;
this.$el = this.obj;
InputBasic.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.obj.val();
InputBasic.prototype.setValue = function (val) {
InputBasic.prototype.getForm = function () {
return this.$el.parents('form').eq(0);
InputBasic.prototype.refresh = function(){
return null; // noop
return InputBasic;
* Class describing a field backed by EasyMDE, as identified by the passed instance of `EasyMDE` provided, with specific methods for
* getting & setting the value, and finding it's parent form
* @property obj: the EasyMDE object describing the field to be tracked
* @property watchEvent: the name of the event to watch to detect when changes have been made
* @property watchObj: the object instance to watch for events on; editor.codemirror per their docs
* @property $el: the jquery object representing the actual input field on the page
Memorable.InputMDE = (function() {
* @param obj: A EasyMDE object representing the input field
* @constructor
function InputMDE(obj) {
this.obj = obj;
this.watchEvent = 'change';
this.watchObj = this.obj.codemirror;
this.$el= $(this.obj.element);
InputMDE.prototype.getValue = function () {
return this.obj.value();
InputMDE.prototype.setValue = function (val) {
InputMDE.prototype.getForm = function () {
return this.$el.parents('form').eq(0);
InputMDE.prototype.refresh = function(){
return InputMDE;
* Takes an arbitrary object, and determines the best Input class to represent it
Memorable.inputFactory = function(obj) {
if (obj.codemirror){
return Memorable.InputMDE;
} else {
return Memorable.InputBasic;
Memorable.items = [];
* Convenience method to find any classes decorated with `.memorable` and create a related Input object for it
* @param selector - use to override the selector used to find all fields to be remembered
Memorable.initialize = function(selector){
var s = selector || '.memorable';
* Forgets any successfully processed inputs from user
Memorable.forget = function(key_prefix){
key_prefix = key_prefix || $.cookie('memorable_forget');
if (key_prefix) {
for (var i = localStorage.length -1; i >=0; i--) {
if(localStorage.key(i).indexOf(key_prefix) == 0){
$.removeCookie('memorable_forget', { path: '/', secure: top.location.protocol==='https:' ? true : false });
* Creates a new Input object to remember changes to an individual field
* @param obj - the raw object representing the field to be tracked
Memorable.add = function(obj){
var cls = Memorable.inputFactory(obj);
Memorable.items.push(new Memorable.InputManager(new cls(obj)));
// Initialize