[#7938] properly relative URLs; create feeds and archive pages for tags
6 files changed
tree: 31aff4bb9d21f8f997fc1b21524ca1b9f244a4aa
  1. _src/
  2. feeds/
  3. theme/
  4. .htaccess
  5. 404.html
  6. favicon.ico
  7. index.html
  8. README.md
  9. robots.txt

We're using Pelican to generate static site. All source files are placed in the _src/ directory. Generated content is placed under root directory.

Bootstrapping pelican

~$ virtualenv allura-site
~$ pip install pelican markdown

Working on site

~$ cd _src
~$ RELATIVE=1 make regenerate  # only use RELATIVE for local dev

Then open the html files directly, or run a little server with:

~$ make serve       # serve generated site at http://localhost:8000

When changes are looking good - commit them (including generated files).

~$ make html  # for a single publish