This files contains diagrams that help visualize what metrics are send, and what they represent.

DAG execution metrics

displayMode: compact
  title Airflow metrics for a DAG run
  dateFormat HH:mm
  axisFormat %H:%M
  tickInterval 1hour

  section Events
    %% Milestones are "point in time" events, but they still take a duration.
    %% Setting it to 2 minutes here, I don't think it has any importance.

    DAG Scheduled         : milestone, dag_sched,   12:00, 2min
    DAG Starts            : milestone, dag_start,   13:00, 2min
    First task Scheduled  : milestone, task1_sched, 14:00, 2min
    Task N Scheduled      : milestone, taskN_sched, 15:00, 2min
    Task N starts running : milestone, taskN_start, 16:00, 2min
    Task N done           : milestone, taskN_done,  17:00, 2min
    Last task ends, DAG execution ends : milestone, end, 18:00, 2min

  section Metrics
    %% The start of the metrics can be conveniently marked with `after`,
    %% but with this kind of diagram, we have no way to "bind" the end to a milestone,
    %% so the durations have to be computed manually, sorry.
    %% If you modify the events above, make sure with your eyes that those metrics still match what they're supposed to.

    dagrun.schedule_delay           : after dag_sched, 1h
    first_task_scheduling_delay     : after dag_sched, 2h
    duration.success/failure.dag_id : after dag_start, 5h
    task_id.duration                : after taskN_start, 1h
    task N landing time (only in airflow UI) : after dag_sched, 5h