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Google Cloud Storage Operators
Cloud Storage allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time.
You can use Cloud Storage for a range of scenarios including serving website content,
storing data for archival and disaster recovery, or distributing large data objects to users via direct download.
Prerequisite Tasks
.. include::/operators/_partials/prerequisite_tasks.rst
.. _howto/operator:GCSToBigQueryOperator:
Use the
to execute a BigQuery load job.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_to_bigquery]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_to_bigquery]
.. _howto/operator:GCSTimeSpanFileTransformOperator:
Use the
to transform files that were modified in a specific time span (the data interval).
The time span is defined by the time span's start and end timestamps. If a DAG
does not have a *next* DAG instance scheduled, the time span end infinite, meaning the operator
processes all files older than ``data_interval_start``.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_timespan_file_transform_operator_Task]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_timespan_file_transform_operator_Task]
.. _howto/operator:GCSBucketCreateAclEntryOperator:
Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket.
For parameter definition, take a look at
Using the operator
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_bucket_create_acl_entry_task]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_bucket_create_acl_entry_task]
.. literalinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/google/cloud/operators/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START gcs_bucket_create_acl_template_fields]
:end-before: [END gcs_bucket_create_acl_template_fields]
More information
See Google Cloud Storage Documentation to `create a new ACL entry for a bucket
.. _howto/operator:GCSObjectCreateAclEntryOperator:
Creates a new ACL entry on the specified object.
For parameter definition, take a look at
Using the operator
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_object_create_acl_entry_task]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_object_create_acl_entry_task]
.. literalinclude:: /../../airflow/providers/google/cloud/operators/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START gcs_object_create_acl_template_fields]
:end-before: [END gcs_object_create_acl_template_fields]
More information
See Google Cloud Storage insert documentation to `create a ACL entry for ObjectAccess
.. _howto/operator:GCSDeleteBucketOperator:
Deleting Bucket
Deleting Bucket allows you to remove bucket object from the Google Cloud Storage.
It is performed through the
:class:`` operator.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_operator_gcs_delete_bucket]
:end-before: [END howto_operator_gcs_delete_bucket]
You can use :ref:`Jinja templating <concepts:jinja-templating>` with
parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values.
For further information, look at:
* `Client Library Documentation <>`__
* `Product Documentation <>`__
.. _howto/sensor:GCSObjectExistenceSensor:
Use the :class:`` to wait (poll) for the existence of a file in Google Cloud Storage.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_object_exists_task]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_object_exists_task]
.. _howto/sensor:GCSObjectsWithPrefixExistenceSensor:
Use the :class:`` to wait (poll) for the existence of a file with a specified prefix in Google Cloud Storage.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_object_with_prefix_exists_task]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_object_with_prefix_exists_task]
.. _howto/sensor:GCSUploadSessionCompleteSensor:
Use the :class:`` to check for a change in the number of files with a specified prefix in Google Cloud Storage.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_gcs_upload_session_complete_task]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_gcs_upload_session_complete_task]
.. _howto/sensor:GCSObjectUpdateSensor:
Use the :class:`` to check if an object is updated in Google Cloud Storage.
.. exampleinclude:: /../../tests/system/providers/google/cloud/gcs/
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:start-after: [START howto_sensor_object_update_exists_task]
:end-before: [END howto_sensor_object_update_exists_task]
More information
Sensors have different modes that determine the behaviour of resources while the task is executing.
See `Airflow sensors documentation
<>`_ for best practices when using sensors.
For further information, look at:
* `Client Library Documentation <>`__
* `Product Documentation <>`__