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<div class="section" id="dag-runs">
<h1>DAG Runs<a class="headerlink" href="#dag-runs" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>A DAG Run is an object representing an instantiation of the DAG in time.</p>
<p>Each DAG may or may not have a schedule, which informs how DAG Runs are
created. <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">schedule_interval</span></code> is defined as a DAG argument, which can be passed a
<a class="reference external" href="">cron expression</a> as
a <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">str</span></code>, a <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">datetime.timedelta</span></code> object, or one of the following cron “presets”.</p>
<div class="admonition tip">
<p class="admonition-title">Tip</p>
<p>You can use an online editor for CRON expressions such as <a class="reference external" href="">Crontab guru</a></p>
<div class="section" id="cron-presets">
<h2>Cron Presets<a class="headerlink" href="#cron-presets" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<table class="docutils align-default">
<col style="width: 16%" />
<col style="width: 66%" />
<col style="width: 18%" />
<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head"><p>preset</p></th>
<th class="head"><p>meaning</p></th>
<th class="head"><p>cron</p></th>
<tr class="row-even"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">None</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Don’t schedule, use for exclusively “externally triggered”
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;once</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Schedule once and only once</p></td>
<tr class="row-even"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;hourly</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span></code></p></td>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;daily</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once a day at midnight</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span></code></p></td>
<tr class="row-even"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;weekly</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">0</span></code></p></td>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;monthly</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">1</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">*</span></code></p></td>
<tr class="row-even"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;quarterly</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once a quarter at midnight on the first day</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">1</span> <span class="pre">*/3</span> <span class="pre">*</span></code></p></td>
<tr class="row-odd"><td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">&#64;yearly</span></code></p></td>
<td><p>Run once a year at midnight of January 1</p></td>
<td><p><code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">0</span> <span class="pre">1</span> <span class="pre">1</span> <span class="pre">*</span></code></p></td>
<p>Your DAG will be instantiated for each schedule along with a corresponding
DAG Run entry in the database backend.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
<p>If you run a DAG on a schedule_interval of one day, the run stamped 2020-01-01
will be triggered soon after 2020-01-01T23:59. In other words, the job instance is
started once the period it covers has ended. The <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">execution_date</span></code> available in the context
will also be 2020-01-01.</p>
<p>The first DAG Run is created based on the minimum <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">start_date</span></code> for the tasks in your DAG.
Subsequent DAG Runs are created by the scheduler process, based on your DAG’s <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">schedule_interval</span></code>,
sequentially. If your start_date is 2020-01-01 and schedule_interval is &#64;daily, the first run
will be created on 2020-01-02 i.e., after your start date has passed.</p>
<div class="section" id="re-run-dag">
<h2>Re-run DAG<a class="headerlink" href="#re-run-dag" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>There can be cases where you will want to execute your DAG again. One such case is when the scheduled
DAG run fails.</p>
<div class="section" id="catchup">
<span id="dag-catchup"></span><h3>Catchup<a class="headerlink" href="#catchup" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p>An Airflow DAG with a <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">start_date</span></code>, possibly an <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">end_date</span></code>, and a <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">schedule_interval</span></code> defines a
series of intervals which the scheduler turns into individual DAG Runs and executes. The scheduler, by default, will
kick off a DAG Run for any interval that has not been run since the last execution date (or has been cleared). This concept is called Catchup.</p>
<p>If your DAG is not written to handle its catchup (i.e., not limited to the interval, but instead to <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">Now</span></code> for instance.),
then you will want to turn catchup off. This can be done by setting <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">catchup = False</span></code> in DAG or <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">catchup_by_default = False</span></code>
in the configuration file. When turned off, the scheduler creates a DAG run only for the latest interval.</p>
<div class="highlight-python notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="sd">&quot;&quot;&quot;</span>
<span class="sd">Code that goes along with the Airflow tutorial located at:</span>
<span class="sd"></span>
<span class="sd">&quot;&quot;&quot;</span>
<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">airflow.models.dag</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">DAG</span>
<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">airflow.operators.bash</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">BashOperator</span>
<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">datetime</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">datetime</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">timedelta</span>
<span class="n">default_args</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;owner&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="s1">&#39;airflow&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;depends_on_past&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="kc">False</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;email&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;;</span><span class="p">],</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;email_on_failure&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="kc">False</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;email_on_retry&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="kc">False</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;retries&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;retry_delay&#39;</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="n">timedelta</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">minutes</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">5</span><span class="p">)</span>
<span class="p">}</span>
<span class="n">dag</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">DAG</span><span class="p">(</span>
<span class="s1">&#39;tutorial&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">default_args</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">default_args</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">start_date</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">datetime</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">2015</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">12</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">),</span>
<span class="n">description</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;A simple tutorial DAG&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">schedule_interval</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;@daily&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">catchup</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="kc">False</span><span class="p">)</span>
<p>In the example above, if the DAG is picked up by the scheduler daemon on 2016-01-02 at 6 AM,
(or from the command line), a single DAG Run will be created, with an <cite>execution_date</cite> of 2016-01-01,
and the next one will be created just after midnight on the morning of 2016-01-03 with an execution date of 2016-01-02.</p>
<p>If the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">dag.catchup</span></code> value had been <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">True</span></code> instead, the scheduler would have created a DAG Run
for each completed interval between 2015-12-01 and 2016-01-02 (but not yet one for 2016-01-02,
as that interval hasn’t completed) and the scheduler will execute them sequentially.</p>
<p>Catchup is also triggered when you turn off a DAG for a specified period and then re-enable it.</p>
<p>This behavior is great for atomic datasets that can easily be split into periods. Turning catchup off is great
if your DAG performs catchup internally.</p>
<div class="section" id="backfill">
<h3>Backfill<a class="headerlink" href="#backfill" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p>There can be the case when you may want to run the dag for a specified historical period e.g.,
A data filling DAG is created with <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">start_date</span></code> <strong>2019-11-21</strong>, but another user requires the output data from a month ago i.e., <strong>2019-10-21</strong>.
This process is known as Backfill.</p>
<p>You may want to backfill the data even in the cases when catchup is disabled. This can be done through CLI.
Run the below command</p>
<div class="highlight-bash notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>airflow dags backfill <span class="se">\</span>
--start-date START_DATE <span class="se">\</span>
--end-date END_DATE <span class="se">\</span>
<p>The <a class="reference external" href="cli-and-env-variables-ref.html#backfill">backfill command</a> will re-run all the instances of the dag_id for all the intervals within the start date and end date.</p>
<div class="section" id="re-run-tasks">
<h3>Re-run Tasks<a class="headerlink" href="#re-run-tasks" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p>Some of the tasks can fail during the scheduled run. Once you have fixed
the errors after going through the logs, you can re-run the tasks by clearing them for the
scheduled date. Clearing a task instance doesn’t delete the task instance record.
Instead, it updates <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">max_tries</span></code> to <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">0</span></code> and sets the current task instance state to <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">None</span></code>, which causes the task to re-run.</p>
<p>Click on the failed task in the Tree or Graph views and then click on <strong>Clear</strong>.
The executor will re-run it.</p>
<p>There are multiple options you can select to re-run -</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><p><strong>Past</strong> - All the instances of the task in the runs before the current DAG’s execution date</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Future</strong> - All the instances of the task in the runs after the current DAG’s execution date</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Upstream</strong> - The upstream tasks in the current DAG</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Downstream</strong> - The downstream tasks in the current DAG</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Recursive</strong> - All the tasks in the child DAGs and parent DAGs</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Failed</strong> - Only the failed tasks in the current DAG</p></li>
<p>You can also clear the task through CLI using the command:</p>
<div class="highlight-bash notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>airflow tasks clear dag_id <span class="se">\</span>
--task-regex task_regex <span class="se">\</span>
--start-date START_DATE <span class="se">\</span>
--end-date END_DATE
<p>For the specified <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">dag_id</span></code> and time interval, the command clears all instances of the tasks matching the regex.
For more options, you can check the help of the <a class="reference external" href="cli-ref.html#clear">clear command</a> :</p>
<div class="highlight-bash notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>airflow tasks clear --help
<div class="section" id="external-triggers">
<h2>External Triggers<a class="headerlink" href="#external-triggers" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Note that DAG Runs can also be created manually through the CLI. Just run the command -</p>
<div class="highlight-bash notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>airflow dags trigger --exec-date execution_date run_id
<p>The DAG Runs created externally to the scheduler get associated with the trigger’s timestamp and are displayed
in the UI alongside scheduled DAG runs. The execution date passed inside the DAG can be specified using the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">-e</span></code> argument.
The default is the current date in the UTC timezone.</p>
<p>In addition, you can also manually trigger a DAG Run using the web UI (tab <strong>DAGs</strong> -&gt; column <strong>Links</strong> -&gt; button <strong>Trigger Dag</strong>)</p>
<div class="section" id="passing-parameters-when-triggering-dags">
<span id="dagrun-parameters"></span><h3>Passing Parameters when triggering dags<a class="headerlink" href="#passing-parameters-when-triggering-dags" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p>When triggering a DAG from the CLI, the REST API or the UI, it is possible to pass configuration for a DAG Run as
a JSON blob.</p>
<p>Example of a parameterized DAG:</p>
<div class="highlight-python notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">airflow</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">DAG</span>
<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">airflow.operators.bash</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">BashOperator</span>
<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">airflow.utils.dates</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">days_ago</span>
<span class="n">dag</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">DAG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s2">&quot;example_parameterized_dag&quot;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">schedule_interval</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="kc">None</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">start_date</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">days_ago</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">))</span>
<span class="n">parameterized_task</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">BashOperator</span><span class="p">(</span>
<span class="n">task_id</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;parameterized_task&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">bash_command</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s2">&quot;echo value: {{ dag_run.conf[&#39;conf1&#39;] }}&quot;</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="n">dag</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">dag</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="p">)</span>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: The parameters from <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">dag_run.conf</span></code> can only be used in a template field of an operator.</p>
<div class="section" id="using-cli">
<h4>Using CLI<a class="headerlink" href="#using-cli" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
<div class="highlight-bash notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>airflow dags trigger --conf <span class="s1">&#39;{&quot;conf1&quot;: &quot;value1&quot;}&#39;</span> example_parameterized_dag
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<h4>Using UI<a class="headerlink" href="#using-ui" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h4>
<img alt="_images/example_passing_conf.png" src="_images/example_passing_conf.png" />
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<h2>To Keep in Mind<a class="headerlink" href="#to-keep-in-mind" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li><p>Marking task instances as failed can be done through the UI. This can be used to stop running task instances.</p></li>
<li><p>Marking task instances as successful can be done through the UI. This is mostly to fix false negatives, or
for instance, when the fix has been applied outside of Airflow.</p></li>
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