title: “New Airflow website” linkTitle: “New Airflow website” author: “Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy” description: “We are thrilled about our new website!” tags: [“Community”] date: “2019-12-11”

The brand new Airflow website has arrived! Those who have been following the process know that the journey to update the old Airflow website started at the beginning of the year. Thanks to sponsorship from the Cloud Composer team at Google that allowed us to collaborate with Polidea and with their design studio Utilo, and deliver an awesome website.

Documentation of open source projects is key to engaging new contributors in the maintenance, development, and adoption of software. We want the Apache Airflow community to have the best possible experience to contribute and use the project. We also took this opportunity to make the project more accessible, and in doing so, increase its reach.

In the past three and a half months, we have updated everything: created a more efficient landing page, enhanced information architecture, and improved UX & UI. Most importantly, the website now has capabilities to be translated into many languages. This is our effort to foster a more inclusive community around Apache Airflow, and we look forward to seeing contributions in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and other languages as well!

We built our website on Docsy, a platform that is easy to use and contribute to. Follow these steps to set up your environment and to create your first pull request. You may also use the new website for your own open source project as a template. All of our code is open and hosted on GitHub.

Share your questions, comments, and suggestions with us, to help us improve the website. We hope that this new design makes finding documentation about Airflow easier, and that its improved accessibility increases adoption and use of Apache Airflow around the world.

Happy browsing!