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package main
import (
// The Service type implements a bookstore service.
// All objects are managed in an in-memory non-persistent store.
type Service struct {
// shelves are stored in a map keyed by shelf id
// books are stored in a two level map, keyed first by shelf id and then by book id
Shelves map[int64]*bookstore.Shelf
Books map[int64]map[int64]*bookstore.Book
LastShelfID int64 // the id of the last shelf that was added
LastBookID int64 // the id of the last book that was added
Mutex sync.Mutex // global mutex to synchronize service access
func NewService() *Service {
return &Service{
Shelves: make(map[int64]*bookstore.Shelf),
Books: make(map[int64]map[int64]*bookstore.Book),
func (service *Service) ListShelves(responses *bookstore.ListShelvesResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// copy shelf ids from Shelves map keys
shelves := make([]bookstore.Shelf, 0, len(service.Shelves))
for _, shelf := range service.Shelves {
shelves = append(shelves, *shelf)
response := &bookstore.ListShelvesResponse{}
response.Shelves = shelves
(*responses).OK = response
return err
func (service *Service) CreateShelf(parameters *bookstore.CreateShelfParameters, responses *bookstore.CreateShelfResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// assign an id and name to a shelf and add it to the Shelves map.
shelf := parameters.Shelf
sid := service.LastShelfID
shelf.Name = fmt.Sprintf("shelves/%d", sid)
service.Shelves[sid] = &shelf
(*responses).OK = &shelf
return err
func (service *Service) DeleteShelves() (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// delete everything by reinitializing the Shelves and Books maps.
service.Shelves = make(map[int64]*bookstore.Shelf)
service.Books = make(map[int64]map[int64]*bookstore.Book)
service.LastShelfID = 0
service.LastBookID = 0
return nil
func (service *Service) GetShelf(parameters *bookstore.GetShelfParameters, responses *bookstore.GetShelfResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// look up a shelf from the Shelves map.
shelf, err := service.getShelf(parameters.Shelf)
if err != nil {
(*responses).Default = &bookstore.Error{Code: int32(http.StatusNotFound), Message: err.Error()}
return nil
} else {
(*responses).OK = shelf
return nil
func (service *Service) DeleteShelf(parameters *bookstore.DeleteShelfParameters) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// delete a shelf by removing the shelf from the Shelves map and the associated books from the Books map.
delete(service.Shelves, parameters.Shelf)
delete(service.Books, parameters.Shelf)
return nil
func (service *Service) ListBooks(parameters *bookstore.ListBooksParameters, responses *bookstore.ListBooksResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// list the books in a shelf
_, err = service.getShelf(parameters.Shelf)
if err != nil {
(*responses).Default = &bookstore.Error{Code: int32(http.StatusNotFound), Message: err.Error()}
return nil
shelfBooks := service.Books[parameters.Shelf]
books := make([]bookstore.Book, 0, len(shelfBooks))
for _, book := range shelfBooks {
books = append(books, *book)
response := &bookstore.ListBooksResponse{}
response.Books = books
(*responses).OK = response
return nil
func (service *Service) CreateBook(parameters *bookstore.CreateBookParameters, responses *bookstore.CreateBookResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// return "not found" if the shelf doesn't exist
shelf, err := service.getShelf(parameters.Shelf)
if err != nil {
(*responses).Default = &bookstore.Error{Code: int32(http.StatusNotFound), Message: err.Error()}
return nil
// assign an id and name to a book and add it to the Books map.
bid := service.LastBookID
book := parameters.Book
book.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s/books/%d", shelf.Name, bid)
if service.Books[parameters.Shelf] == nil {
service.Books[parameters.Shelf] = make(map[int64]*bookstore.Book)
service.Books[parameters.Shelf][bid] = &book
(*responses).OK = &book
return err
func (service *Service) GetBook(parameters *bookstore.GetBookParameters, responses *bookstore.GetBookResponses) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// get a book from the Books map
book, err := service.getBook(parameters.Shelf, parameters.Book)
if err != nil {
(*responses).Default = &bookstore.Error{Code: int32(http.StatusNotFound), Message: err.Error()}
} else {
(*responses).OK = book
return nil
func (service *Service) DeleteBook(parameters *bookstore.DeleteBookParameters) (err error) {
defer service.Mutex.Unlock()
// delete a book by removing the book from the Books map.
delete(service.Books[parameters.Shelf], parameters.Book)
return nil
// internal helpers
func (service *Service) getShelf(sid int64) (shelf *bookstore.Shelf, err error) {
shelf, ok := service.Shelves[sid]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find shelf %d", sid))
} else {
return shelf, nil
func (service *Service) getBook(sid int64, bid int64) (book *bookstore.Book, err error) {
_, err = service.getShelf(sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
book, ok := service.Books[sid][bid]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find book %d on shelf %d", bid, sid))
} else {
return book, nil