initial commit
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index 0000000..97abbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
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+# airflow-mssql-migration - Script to migrate Apache Airflow off MS SQL-Server
+This repository holds a script to migrate Apache Airflow meta database off from
+Microsoft SQL-Server into other database engines as support for SQL-Server
+ended in Airflow 2.8.0.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e073ae
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+++ b/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Migration script to port an Apache Airflow metadata DB to another DB engine.
+Call it with `python --extract` on the source environment
+to dump the configured airflow metadata database to a SQLite file called
+`migration.db`. Then you can copy this file to the target environment
+(or re-configure your database backend) and run `python --restore`.
+Note that it is common sense probably that this script is assuming that schedulers,
+workers, triggerer and webserver are stopped while running this script. It is also
+advised to halt all running jobs and DAG runs.
+Database schema must match.
+Note that this script is made for Airflow 2.7.3 and is provided without any warranty.
+# TODO test 2.7.3
+# TODO docs
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine, delete, select, text
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+from airflow.auth.managers.fab.models import Action, Permission, RegisterUser, Resource, Role, User
+from import Job
+from airflow.models.connection import Connection
+from airflow.models.dag import DagModel, DagOwnerAttributes, DagTag
+from airflow.models.dagcode import DagCode
+from airflow.models.dagpickle import DagPickle
+from airflow.models.dagrun import DagRun, DagRunNote
+from airflow.models.dagwarning import DagWarning
+from airflow.models.dataset import (
+ DagScheduleDatasetReference,
+ DatasetDagRunQueue,
+ DatasetEvent,
+ DatasetModel,
+ TaskOutletDatasetReference,
+from airflow.models.db_callback_request import DbCallbackRequest
+from airflow.models.errors import ImportError
+from airflow.models.log import Log
+from airflow.models.pool import Pool
+from airflow.models.renderedtifields import RenderedTaskInstanceFields
+from airflow.models.serialized_dag import SerializedDagModel
+from airflow.models.slamiss import SlaMiss
+from airflow.models.taskfail import TaskFail
+from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance, TaskInstanceNote
+from airflow.models.tasklog import LogTemplate
+from airflow.models.taskmap import TaskMap
+from airflow.models.taskreschedule import TaskReschedule
+from airflow.models.trigger import Trigger
+from airflow.models.variable import Variable
+from airflow.models.xcom import BaseXCom, XCom
+from airflow.settings import engine
+# configuration variables
+airflow_db_url = engine.url
+temp_db_url = "sqlite:///migration.db"
+supported_db_versions = [
+ # see
+ "405de8318b3a" # Airflow 2.7.3
+# initialise logging
+logging.basicConfig(filename="migration.log", level=logging.DEBUG)
+def copy_airflow_tables(source_engine, target_engine):
+ objects_to_migrate = [
+ Action,
+ Resource,
+ Role,
+ User,
+ Permission,
+ RegisterUser,
+ Connection,
+ DagModel,
+ DagCode,
+ DagOwnerAttributes,
+ DagPickle,
+ DagTag,
+ Job,
+ LogTemplate,
+ DagRun,
+ DagRunNote,
+ DagWarning,
+ DatasetModel,
+ DagScheduleDatasetReference,
+ TaskOutletDatasetReference,
+ DatasetDagRunQueue,
+ DatasetEvent,
+ DbCallbackRequest,
+ ImportError,
+ Log,
+ Pool,
+ Trigger,
+ RenderedTaskInstanceFields,
+ SerializedDagModel,
+ SlaMiss,
+ TaskInstance,
+ TaskInstanceNote,
+ TaskFail,
+ TaskMap,
+ TaskReschedule,
+ Variable,
+ BaseXCom,
+ "ab_user_role", # besides the ORM objects some table which demand cleaning are listed
+ "ab_permission_view",
+ "ab_permission_view_role",
+ ]
+ source_session = Session(bind=source_engine)
+ target_session = Session(bind=target_engine)
+ target_session.autoflush = False
+ dialect_name =
+ quote = "`" if dialect_name == "mysql" else '"'
+ # check that source DB is a supported version
+ db_version = target_session.scalar("SELECT * FROM alembic_version")
+ if db_version not in supported_db_versions:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Airflow Schema version {db_version}")
+ source_version = source_session.scalar("SELECT * FROM alembic_version")
+ if source_version != db_version:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Database schema must match. Source is {source_version}, destination is {db_version}."
+ )
+ # Deserialization fails, but we want to transfer the blob as original anyway, mock serialization away
+ def deserialize_mock(self: XCom):
+ return self.value
+ BaseXCom.orm_deserialize_value = deserialize_mock
+ # Step 1 - delete any leftovers, ensure all tables to be migrated are empty - use reverse order
+ for clz in reversed(objects_to_migrate):
+ if isinstance(clz, str):
+"Cleaning table %s", clz)
+ target_session.execute(f"DELETE FROM {quote}{clz}{quote}")
+ else:
+"Cleaning table %s", clz.__tablename__)
+ if clz == User:
+ # The user has a self-constraint, need to delete in batches not to violate cross-dependencies
+ continue_delete = True
+ while continue_delete:
+ filter_uids = set()
+ for uid in target_session.execute(
+ text("SELECT changed_by_fk FROM ab_user WHERE changed_by_fk IS NOT NULL")
+ ).fetchall():
+ filter_uids.add(uid)
+ for uid in target_session.execute(
+ text("SELECT created_by_fk FROM ab_user WHERE created_by_fk IS NOT NULL")
+ ).fetchall():
+ filter_uids.add(uid)
+ uid_list = ",".join(str(uid[0]) for uid in filter_uids)
+ if uid_list:
+ continue_delete = (
+ target_session.execute(
+ f"DELETE FROM ab_user WHERE id NOT IN ({uid_list})"
+ ).rowcount
+ > 0
+ )
+ else:
+ continue_delete = target_session.execute(delete(clz)).rowcount > 0
+ else:
+ target_session.execute(delete(clz))
+ # Step 2 - copy all data over, use only ORM mapped tables
+ for clz in objects_to_migrate:
+ count = 0
+ if not isinstance(clz, str):
+"Migration of %s started", clz.__tablename__)
+ for item in source_session.scalars(select(clz)).unique():
+ target_session.merge(item)
+ target_session.flush()
+ count += 1
+ if count % 100 == 0:
+"Migration of chunk finished, %i migrated", count)
+"Migration of %s finished with %i rows", clz.__tablename__, count)
+ target_session.commit()
+ # Step 3 - update sequences to ensure new records continue with valid IDs auto-generated
+ for clz in objects_to_migrate:
+ count = 0
+ if not isinstance(clz, str) and "id" in clz.__dict__:
+"Resetting sequence value for %s", clz.__tablename__)
+ max = target_session.scalar(f"SELECT MAX(id) FROM {quote}{clz.__tablename__}{quote}")
+ if max:
+ if dialect_name == "postgresql":
+ target_session.execute(
+ f"ALTER SEQUENCE {quote}{clz.__tablename__}_id_seq{quote} RESTART WITH {max+1}"
+ )
+ elif dialect_name == "sqlite":
+ pass # nothing to be done for sqlite
+ elif dialect_name == "mysql":
+ target_session.execute(
+ f"ALTER TABLE {quote}{clz.__tablename__}{quote} AUTO_INCREMENT = {max+1}"
+ )
+ else: # e.g. "mssql"
+ raise Exception(f"Database type {dialect_name} not supported")
+ target_session.commit()
+def main(extract: bool, restore: bool):
+ if extract == restore:
+ raise ValueError("Please specify what you want to do! Or use --help")
+ if extract:
+"Creating migration database %s", temp_db_url)
+ envs = os.environ.copy()
+ envs["AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN"] = temp_db_url
+ subprocess.check_call(args=["airflow", "db", "reset", "--yes"], env=envs)
+ # source and target database
+ airflow_engine = create_engine(airflow_db_url)
+ temp_engine = create_engine(temp_db_url)
+"Connection to databases established")
+ if extract:
+ copy_airflow_tables(airflow_engine, temp_engine)
+ else:
+ copy_airflow_tables(temp_engine, airflow_engine)
+"Migration completed!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--extract", help="Extracts the current Airflow database to a SQLite file", action="store_true"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--restore", help="Restores from a SQLite to the current Airflow database", action="store_true"
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args.extract, args.restore)