Add triggering by workflow_run (#4)

diff --git a/ b/
index a6d05d4..ef14fd3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
   - [Outputs](#outputs)
 - [Examples](#examples)
     - [Workflow Run event](#workflow-run-event)
-  - [Development environment](#development-environment)
-  - [License](#license)
+    - [Pull Request Review event](#pull-request-review-event)
+- [Development environment](#development-environment)
+- [License](#license)
 <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
@@ -31,6 +32,13 @@
 or by anyone. It may be useful in repositories which requires committers approvals like [Apache Software Foundation](
+It can be used in workflows triggered by "pull_request_review" or "workflow_run".
+When used on "pull_request_review" any workflows triggered from pull request created from fork will fail
+due to insufficient permissions. Because of this support for "workflow_run" was added.
+It should be triggered by workflows "pull_request_review" and requires additional input `pullRequestNumber`.
+Pull request number can be obtained by using [potiuk/get-workflow-origin)]( action (see example [workflow-run-event](#workflow-run-event)).
 # Inputs and outputs
 ## Inputs
@@ -41,6 +49,7 @@
 | `label`                       | no       | `Approved by committers`                                          | Label to be added/removed to the Pull Request if approved/not approved        |
 | `require_committers_approval` | no       | `true`                                                            | Is approval from user with write permission required                          |
 | `comment`                     | no       | `PR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.` | Add optional comment to the PR when approved (requires label input to be set) |
+| `pullRequestNumber`           | no       | `${{ steps.source-run-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber }}`          | Pull request number if triggered  by "worfklow_run"                           |
 ## Outputs
@@ -55,6 +64,38 @@
 ### Workflow Run event
+name: "Label when approved"
+  workflow_run:
+    workflows: ["Workflow triggered on pull_request_review"]
+    types: ['requested']
+  label-when-approved:
+    name: "Label when approved"
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: "Get information about the original trigger of the run"
+        uses: potiuk/get-workflow-origin@v1_2
+        id: source-run-info
+        with:
+          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          sourceRunId: ${{ }}
+      - name: Label when approved by anyone
+        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
+        id: label-when-approved-by-anyone
+        with:
+          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          require_committers_approval: 'true'
+          label: 'Approved by committer'
+          comment: 'PR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.'
+          pullRequestNumber: ${{ steps.source-run-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber }}
+### Pull Request Review event
 name: Label when approved
 on: pull_request_review
@@ -68,7 +109,7 @@
       isApprovedByAnyone: ${{ steps.label-when-approved-by-anyone.outputs.isApproved }}
       - name: Label when approved by commiters
-        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.1
+        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
         id: label-when-approved-by-commiters
           token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
@@ -76,19 +117,18 @@
           require_committers_approval: 'true'
           comment: 'PR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.'
       - name: Label when approved by anyone
-        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.1
+        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
         id: label-when-approved-by-anyone
           token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-## Development environment
+# Development environment
 It is highly recommended tu use [pre commit]( The pre-commits
 installed via pre-commit tool handle automatically linting (including automated fixes) as well
 as building and packaging Javascript index.js from the main.ts Typescript code, so you do not have
 to run it yourself.
-## License
+# License
 [MIT License](LICENSE) covers the scripts and documentation in this project.
diff --git a/action.yml b/action.yml
index ae16b48..9027254 100644
--- a/action.yml
+++ b/action.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
     description: 'Comment to be added to Pull Request if approved'
     required: false
+  pullRequestNumber:
+    description: 'Pull request number if triggered  by "worfklow_run"'
+    required: false
     description: 'Is Pull Reqeuest approved'
diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js
index b9ac4e2..8e040f7 100644
--- a/dist/index.js
+++ b/dist/index.js
@@ -1470,15 +1470,9 @@`Setting output: ${name}: ${value}`);
     core.setOutput(name, value);
-function getPullRequest(octokit, context, owner, repo) {
+function getPullRequest(octokit, owner, repo, pullRequestNumber) {
     return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
-        const pullRequestNumber = context.payload.pull_request
-            ? context.payload.pull_request.number
-            : null;
-        if (pullRequestNumber === null) {
-            throw Error(`Could not find PR number in context payload.`);
-        }
-`pullRequestNumber: ${pullRequestNumber}`);
+`Fetching pull request with number: ${pullRequestNumber}`);
         const pullRequest = yield octokit.pulls.get({
@@ -1597,92 +1591,49 @@
-function getWorkflowId(octokit, runId, owner, repo) {
-    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
-        const reply = yield octokit.actions.getWorkflowRun({
-            owner,
-            repo,
-            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-            run_id: runId
-        });
-`The source run ${runId} is in ${} workflow`);
-        const workflowIdString ='/').pop() || '';
-        if (!(workflowIdString.length > 0)) {
-            throw new Error('Could not resolve workflow');
-        }
-        return parseInt(workflowIdString);
-    });
-function getPrWorkflowRunsIds(octokit, owner, repo, branch, sha, skipRunId) {
-    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
-        const workflowRuns = yield octokit.actions.listRepoWorkflowRuns({
-            owner,
-            repo,
-            branch,
-            event: 'pull_request',
-            status: 'completed',
-            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-            per_page: 100
-        });
-        // may be no need to rerun pending/queued runs
-        const filteredRunsIds = [];
-        const filteredWorklowRunsIds = [];
-        for (const workflowRun of {
-            const workflowId = parseInt(workflowRun.workflow_url.split('/').pop() || '0');
-            if (workflowRun.head_sha === sha &&
-                !filteredRunsIds.includes(workflowId) &&
-                workflowId !== skipRunId) {
-                filteredRunsIds.push(workflowId);
-                filteredWorklowRunsIds.push(;
-            }
-        }
-        return filteredWorklowRunsIds;
-    });
-function rerunWorkflows(octokit, owner, repo, runIds) {
-    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
-`Rerun worklowws: ${runIds}`);
-        for (const runId of runIds) {
-            yield octokit.actions.reRunWorkflow({
-                owner,
-                repo,
-                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-                run_id: runId
-            });
-        }
-    });
-function printDebug(item, description) {
+function printDebug(item, description = '') {
     return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
         const itemJson = JSON.stringify(item);
-`\n ######### ${description} ######### \n: ${itemJson}\n\n`);
+        core.debug(`\n ######### ${description} ######### \n: ${itemJson}\n\n`);
 function run() {
-    var _a, _b;
     return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
         const token = core.getInput('token', { required: true });
         const userLabel = core.getInput('label') || 'not set';
         const requireCommittersApproval = core.getInput('require_committers_approval') === 'true';
         const comment = core.getInput('comment') || '';
+        const pullRequestNumberInput = core.getInput('pullRequestNumber') || 'not set';
         const octokit = new github.GitHub(token);
         const context = github.context;
         const repository = getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY');
         const eventName = getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_EVENT_NAME');
-        const selfRunId = parseInt(getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_RUN_ID'));
         const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/');
-        const selfWorkflowId = yield getWorkflowId(octokit, selfRunId, owner, repo);
-        const branch = (_a = context.payload.pull_request) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.head.ref;
-        const sha = (_b = context.payload.pull_request) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.head.sha;
+        let pullRequestNumber;`\n############### Set Label When Approved start ##################\n` +
             `label: "${userLabel}"\n` +
             `requireCommittersApproval: ${requireCommittersApproval}\n` +
-            `comment: ${comment}`);
-        if (eventName !== 'pull_request_review') {
-            throw Error(`This action is only useful in "pull_request_review" triggered runs and you used it in "${eventName}"`);
+            `comment: ${comment}\n` +
+            `pullRequestNumber: ${pullRequestNumberInput}`);
+        if (eventName === 'pull_request_review') {
+            pullRequestNumber = context.payload.pull_request
+                ? context.payload.pull_request.number
+                : undefined;
+            if (pullRequestNumber === undefined) {
+                throw Error(`Could not find PR number in context payload.`);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (eventName === 'workflow_run') {
+            if (pullRequestNumberInput === 'not set') {
+                throw Error(`If action is triggered by "workflow_run" then input "pullRequestNumber" is required.`);
+            }
+            pullRequestNumber = parseInt(pullRequestNumberInput);
+        }
+        else {
+            throw Error(`This action is only useful in "pull_request_review" or "workflow_run" triggered runs and you used it in "${eventName}"`);
         // PULL REQUEST
-        const pullRequest = yield getPullRequest(octokit, context, owner, repo);
+        const pullRequest = yield getPullRequest(octokit, owner, repo, pullRequestNumber);
         // LABELS
         const labelNames = getPullRequestLabels(pullRequest);
         // REVIEWS
@@ -1704,23 +1655,6 @@
                 yield removeLabel(octokit, owner, repo, pullRequest.number, userLabel);
-        //// Future option to rerun workflows if PR approved
-        //// Rerun workflow can have dynamic matrixes which check presence of labels
-        //// it is not possible to rerun successful runs
-        ////
-        //
-        // if (isLabelShouldBeSet) {
-        //   const prWorkflowRunsIds = await getPrWorkflowRunsIds(
-        //     octokit,
-        //     owner,
-        //     repo,
-        //     branch,
-        //     sha,
-        //     selfWorkflowId
-        //   )
-        //
-        //   await rerunWorkflows(octokit, owner, repo, prWorkflowRunsIds)
-        // }
         // OUTPUT
         verboseOutput('isApproved', String(isApproved));
         verboseOutput('labelSet', String(isLabelShouldBeSet));
diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts
index 12e0fea..f7b61d6 100644
--- a/src/main.ts
+++ b/src/main.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import * as github from '@actions/github'
 import * as core from '@actions/core'
 import * as rest from '@octokit/rest'
-import {Context} from '@actions/github/lib/context'
 function getRequiredEnv(key: string): string {
   const value = process.env[key]
@@ -19,17 +18,11 @@
 async function getPullRequest(
   octokit: github.GitHub,
-  context: Context,
   owner: string,
-  repo: string
+  repo: string,
+  pullRequestNumber: number
 ): Promise<rest.PullsGetResponse> {
-  const pullRequestNumber = context.payload.pull_request
-    ? context.payload.pull_request.number
-    : null
-  if (pullRequestNumber === null) {
-    throw Error(`Could not find PR number in context payload.`)
-  }
-`pullRequestNumber: ${pullRequestNumber}`)
+`Fetching pull request with number: ${pullRequestNumber}`)
   const pullRequest = await octokit.pulls.get({
@@ -179,88 +172,12 @@
-async function getWorkflowId(
-  octokit: github.GitHub,
-  runId: number,
-  owner: string,
-  repo: string
-): Promise<number> {
-  const reply = await octokit.actions.getWorkflowRun({
-    owner,
-    repo,
-    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-    run_id: runId
-  })
-`The source run ${runId} is in ${} workflow`)
-  const workflowIdString ='/').pop() || ''
-  if (!(workflowIdString.length > 0)) {
-    throw new Error('Could not resolve workflow')
-  }
-  return parseInt(workflowIdString)
-async function getPrWorkflowRunsIds(
-  octokit: github.GitHub,
-  owner: string,
-  repo: string,
-  branch: string,
-  sha: string,
-  skipRunId: number
-): Promise<number[]> {
-  const workflowRuns = await octokit.actions.listRepoWorkflowRuns({
-    owner,
-    repo,
-    branch,
-    event: 'pull_request',
-    status: 'completed',
-    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-    per_page: 100
-  })
-  // may be no need to rerun pending/queued runs
-  const filteredRunsIds: number[] = []
-  const filteredWorklowRunsIds: number[] = []
-  for (const workflowRun of {
-    const workflowId = parseInt(
-      workflowRun.workflow_url.split('/').pop() || '0'
-    )
-    if (
-      workflowRun.head_sha === sha &&
-      !filteredRunsIds.includes(workflowId) &&
-      workflowId !== skipRunId
-    ) {
-      filteredRunsIds.push(workflowId)
-      filteredWorklowRunsIds.push(
-    }
-  }
-  return filteredWorklowRunsIds
-async function rerunWorkflows(
-  octokit: github.GitHub,
-  owner: string,
-  repo: string,
-  runIds: number[]
-): Promise<void> {
-`Rerun worklowws: ${runIds}`)
-  for (const runId of runIds) {
-    await octokit.actions.reRunWorkflow({
-      owner,
-      repo,
-      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
-      run_id: runId
-    })
-  }
 async function printDebug(
   item: object | string | boolean | number,
-  description: string
+  description: string = ''
 ): Promise<void> {
   const itemJson = JSON.stringify(item)
-`\n ######### ${description} ######### \n: ${itemJson}\n\n`)
+  core.debug(`\n ######### ${description} ######### \n: ${itemJson}\n\n`)
 async function run(): Promise<void> {
@@ -269,31 +186,49 @@
   const requireCommittersApproval =
     core.getInput('require_committers_approval') === 'true'
   const comment = core.getInput('comment') || ''
+  const pullRequestNumberInput = core.getInput('pullRequestNumber') || 'not set'
   const octokit = new github.GitHub(token)
   const context = github.context
   const repository = getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
   const eventName = getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_EVENT_NAME')
-  const selfRunId = parseInt(getRequiredEnv('GITHUB_RUN_ID'))
   const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/')
-  const selfWorkflowId = await getWorkflowId(octokit, selfRunId, owner, repo)
-  const branch = context.payload.pull_request?.head.ref
-  const sha = context.payload.pull_request?.head.sha
+  let pullRequestNumber: number | undefined
     `\n############### Set Label When Approved start ##################\n` +
       `label: "${userLabel}"\n` +
       `requireCommittersApproval: ${requireCommittersApproval}\n` +
-      `comment: ${comment}`
+      `comment: ${comment}\n` +
+      `pullRequestNumber: ${pullRequestNumberInput}`
-  if (eventName !== 'pull_request_review') {
+  if (eventName === 'pull_request_review') {
+    pullRequestNumber = context.payload.pull_request
+      ? context.payload.pull_request.number
+      : undefined
+    if (pullRequestNumber === undefined) {
+      throw Error(`Could not find PR number in context payload.`)
+    }
+  } else if (eventName === 'workflow_run') {
+    if (pullRequestNumberInput === 'not set') {
+      throw Error(
+        `If action is triggered by "workflow_run" then input "pullRequestNumber" is required.`
+      )
+    }
+    pullRequestNumber = parseInt(pullRequestNumberInput)
+  } else {
     throw Error(
-      `This action is only useful in "pull_request_review" triggered runs and you used it in "${eventName}"`
+      `This action is only useful in "pull_request_review" or "workflow_run" triggered runs and you used it in "${eventName}"`
-  const pullRequest = await getPullRequest(octokit, context, owner, repo)
+  const pullRequest = await getPullRequest(
+    octokit,
+    owner,
+    repo,
+    pullRequestNumber
+  )
   // LABELS
   const labelNames = getPullRequestLabels(pullRequest)
@@ -331,24 +266,6 @@
-  //// Future option to rerun workflows if PR approved
-  //// Rerun workflow can have dynamic matrixes which check presence of labels
-  //// it is not possible to rerun successful runs
-  ////
-  //
-  // if (isLabelShouldBeSet) {
-  //   const prWorkflowRunsIds = await getPrWorkflowRunsIds(
-  //     octokit,
-  //     owner,
-  //     repo,
-  //     branch,
-  //     sha,
-  //     selfWorkflowId
-  //   )
-  //
-  //   await rerunWorkflows(octokit, owner, repo, prWorkflowRunsIds)
-  // }
   // OUTPUT
   verboseOutput('isApproved', String(isApproved))
   verboseOutput('labelSet', String(isLabelShouldBeSet))