Fork of TobKedlabel-when-approved-action action

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  1. 4c5190f Turns missing pr in workflow_run into warning. (#5) by Jarek Potiuk · 3 years, 9 months ago master
  2. 7872312 Add triggering by workflow_run (#4) by Tobiasz Kędzierski · 3 years, 9 months ago
  3. 7a38952 Update README by Tobiasz Kędzierski · 3 years, 9 months ago
  4. 3393d80 Fix name of the state (#3) by Jarek Potiuk · 3 years, 9 months ago
  5. f8f987f Update Readme by Tobiasz Kędzierski · 3 years, 9 months ago

Label When Approved action

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Context and motivation

Label When Approved is an action that checks is Pull Request is approved and assign label to it. Label is not set or removed when Pull Request has awaiting requested changes.

Setting label is optional that only output can be used in the workflow.

The required input require_committers_approval says is approval can be done by people with read access to the repo or by anyone. It may be useful in repositories which requires committers approvals like Apache Software Foundation projects.

It can be used in workflows triggered by “pull_request_review” or “workflow_run”. When used on “pull_request_review” any workflows triggered from pull request created from fork will fail due to insufficient permissions. Because of this support for “workflow_run” was added. It should be triggered by workflows “pull_request_review” and requires additional input pullRequestNumber. Pull request number can be obtained by using potiuk/get-workflow-origin) action (see example workflow-run-event).

Inputs and outputs


tokenyes${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}The github token passed from ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
labelnoApproved by committersLabel to be added/removed to the Pull Request if approved/not approved
require_committers_approvalnotrueIs approval from user with write permission required
commentnoPR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.Add optional comment to the PR when approved (requires label input to be set)
pullRequestNumberno${{ steps.source-run-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber }}Pull request number if triggered by “worfklow_run”


isApprovedis Pull Reqeuest approved
labelSetwas label set
labelRemovedwas label removed


Workflow Run event

name: "Label when approved"
    workflows: ["Workflow triggered on pull_request_review"]
    types: ['requested']


    name: "Label when approved"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: "Get information about the original trigger of the run"
        uses: potiuk/get-workflow-origin@v1_2
        id: source-run-info
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          sourceRunId: ${{ }}
      - name: Label when approved by anyone
        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
        id: label-when-approved-by-anyone
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          require_committers_approval: 'true'
          label: 'Approved by committer'
          comment: 'PR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.'
          pullRequestNumber: ${{ steps.source-run-info.outputs.pullRequestNumber }}

Pull Request Review event

name: Label when approved
on: pull_request_review


    name: "Label when approved"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      isApprovedByCommiters: ${{ steps.label-when-approved-by-commiters.outputs.isApproved }}
      isApprovedByAnyone: ${{ steps.label-when-approved-by-anyone.outputs.isApproved }}
      - name: Label when approved by commiters
        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
        id: label-when-approved-by-commiters
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          label: 'ready to merge (committers)'
          require_committers_approval: 'true'
          comment: 'PR approved by at least one committer and no changes requested.'
      - name: Label when approved by anyone
        uses: TobKed/label-when-approved-action@v1.2
        id: label-when-approved-by-anyone
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Development environment

It is highly recommended tu use pre commit. The pre-commits installed via pre-commit tool handle automatically linting (including automated fixes) as well as building and packaging Javascript index.js from the main.ts Typescript code, so you do not have to run it yourself.


MIT License covers the scripts and documentation in this project.