blob: 06c706e6faa8fffa73820902e12a304493777427 [file] [log] [blame]
1.2 (????-??-??)
- Added support for python 3. [Dennis Glindhart, Patrick Uiterwijk]
- Added support for python-openid extensions. [Pierre-Yves Chibon, Jeff Miller, Patrick Uiterwijk]
- Added support for optional sreg keys. [Shay Erlichmen, Patrick Uiterwijk]
- Added the option to declare which URL roots are safe to redirect to [Patrick Uiterwijk]
- Small typo fix in documentation. [David Vincelli]
- Fix the import name in the documentation. [William Ting, Amanjeev Sethi]
- Fix pickle.loads crashing on non-ASCII chars. [Shay Erlichmen]