Release Process

Typically, releases are done coinciding with major and minor releases to Airflow. Therefore, a release of (for example) 2.3.0 of this client would correspond with 2.3.X of Airflow.

The Python client is generated using Airflow's openapi spec. To update the client for new APIs do the following steps:

# set the version of the client
export VERSION=2.0.0rc1
# clone this repo
git clone
cd airflow-client-python
export CLIENT_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)
cd ..

# clone Airflow repo (if not already)
git clone
cd airflow
export AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)

Edit the file airflow/airflow/api_connexion/openapi/v1.yaml Make sure it has the following securitySchemas listed under security section

  - Basic: []
  - GoogleOpenId: []
  - Kerberos: []

If your deployment of Airflow uses any different authentication mechanism than the three listed above, you might need to make further changes to the v1.yaml and generate your own client, see OpenAPI Schema specification for details. (These changes should not be commited to the upstream v1.yaml as it will generate misleading openapi documentaion)

# bump up the version in & run the following command ${AIRFLOW_REPO_ROOT}/clients/gen/ airflow/api_connexion/openapi/v1.yaml ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/airflow_client cd ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}
  • Set your version in (without the RC tag)

  • Get a diff between the last airflow version and the current airflow version which this release is based on:

    ```shell script
    # Run this command in Airflow Repo
    git log 2.3.0..2.5.0 --pretty=oneline -- airflow/api_connexion/openapi/v1.yaml
  • Update with the details.

  • Commit the Changes with the message “Add Client Version ${VERSION}”:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add Client Version ${VERSION}"
  • Raise a PR in airflow-client-python with the above changes

  • Merge the above PR when approved before proceeding

Prepare the Apache Airflow Python Client Package RC

Build RC artifacts

The Release Candidate artifacts we vote upon should be the exact ones we vote against, without any modification than renaming – i.e. the contents of the files must be the same between voted release candidate and final release. Because of this the version in the built artifacts that will become the official Apache releases must not include the rcN suffix.

  • Set environment variables

    # Set Version
    export VERSION=2.0.0rc1
    # Set the airflow version that this release is based
    export AIRFLOW_VERSION=2.1.4 
    # Example after cloning
    git clone 
    cd airflow-client-python
    export CLIENT_REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)
  • Tag your release

    git tag -s ${VERSION} -m "Airflow Python Client {VERSION}"
  • Clean the checkout: the sdist step below will

    git clean -fxd
  • Tarball the repo

    mkdir dist
    git archive --format=tar.gz ${VERSION} --prefix=apache-airflow-client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}/ -o dist/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}-source.tar.gz
  • Generate sdist

    NOTE: Make sure your checkout is clean at this stage - any untracked or changed files will otherwise be included in the file produced.

    pip install wheel
    python sdist bdist_wheel
  • Rename the sdist

    mv dist/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}.tar.gz dist/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}-bin.tar.gz
    mv dist/apache_airflow_client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}-py3-none-any.whl dist/apache_airflow_client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}-py3-none-any.whl
  • Generate SHA512/ASC (If you have not generated a key yet, generate it by following instructions on

    pushd dist
    ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dev/ *
  • Push the artifacts to ASF dev dist repo

# First clone the repo
svn checkout airflow-dev

# Create new folder for the release
cd airflow-dev/clients/python
svn mkdir ${VERSION}

# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit
mv ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist/apache{-,_}*client-${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC}* ${VERSION}/
svn add *
svn commit -m "Add artifacts for Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}"
rm -rf airflow-dev

Prepare PyPI convenience “snapshot” packages

At this point we have the artefact that we vote on, but as a convenience to developers we also want to publish “snapshots” of the RC builds to pypi for installing via pip.

To do this we need to

  • Build the package:

    python egg_info --tag-build "$(sed -e "s/^[0-9.]*//" <<<"$VERSION")" sdist bdist_wheel
  • Verify the artifacts that would be uploaded:

    twine check dist/*
  • Upload the package to PyPi's test environment:

    twine upload --repository-url= dist/*
  • Verify that the test package looks good by downloading it and installing it into a virtual environment. The package download link is available at:

    Or via pypi pip install -i apache-airflow-client==${VERSION}

  • Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:

    twine upload -r pypi dist/*
  • Again, confirm that the package is available here:

It is important to stress that this snapshot should not be named “release”, and it is not supposed to be used by and advertised to the end-users who do not read the devlist.

  • Push Tag for the release candidate
git push origin ${VERSION}

Prepare Vote email on the Airflow Client release candidate


cat <<EOF
[VOTE] Release Airflow Python Client ${VERSION_WITHOUT_RC} from ${VERSION}


cat <<EOF
Hey fellow Airflowers,

I have cut the release candidate for the Airflow Python Client ${VERSION}.
The client consists of APIs corresponding to REST APIs available in
*Apache Airflow ${AIRFLOW_VERSION}*. This email is calling for a vote on
the release, which will last for 72 hours. Consider this my (binding) +1.

Airflow Client ${VERSION} is available at:$VERSION/

Or also available at PyPI:$VERSION/

*apache-airflow-client-${VERSION}-source.tar.gz* is a source release that comes with
INSTALL instructions.
*apache-airflow-client-${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz* is the binary Python "sdist" release.

Public keys are available at:

Only votes from PMC members are binding, but the release manager should
encourage members of the community to test the release and vote with


*Major changes:*

*Major fixes:*

*New API supported:*

<your name>

Verify the release candidate by PMCs

See Airflow process documented here.

SVN check

See Airflow process documented here (just replace Airflow with Airflow Client).

Licence check

See Airflow process documented here.

Signature check

See Airflow process documented here.

Sources check

The code of the Python Client is generated using OpenAPI generator and the generated code is committed to the repository, therefore the Source code check should consist of two steps:

  1. Checkout the release tag of the “airflow-client-python”
  2. Follow the Release process above and generate client's code above
  3. Run git diff to see the differences - review them. Generally, the code generated should only contain small differences regarding authentication.
  4. git reset --hard <RELEASE_TAG>

Compare the sources with the packaged sources following the process described in Airflow: here.

Verify release candidates by Contributors

This can be done (and we encourage to) by any of the Contributors. In fact, it's best if the actual users of Airflow Client test it in their own staging/test installations. Each release candidate is available on PyPI apart from SVN packages, so everyone should be able to install the release candidate version of Airflow Client via simply ( is 2.0.0 for example, and is release candidate number 1,2,3,....).

pip install apache-airflow-client==<VERSION>rc<X>

Once you install and run Airflow Client, you should perform any verification you see as necessary to check that the client works as you expected.

Publish the final Apache Airflow client release

Summarize the voting for the Apache Airflow client release


Apache Airflow Python Client 2.5.0 (based on RC1) has been accepted.

3 "+1" binding votes received:
- Ephraim Anierobi
- Jarek Potiuk
- Jed Cunningham

1 "+1" non-binding votes received:

- Pierre Jeambrun

Vote thread:

I'll continue with the release process, and the release announcement will follow shortly.

<your name>

Publish release to SVN

# Go to Airflow python client sources first
export CLIENT_REPO_ROOT="$(pwd)"
cd ..
# Clone the AS
[ -d asf-dist ] || svn checkout --depth=immediates asf-dist
svn update --set-depth=infinity asf-dist/{release,dev}/airflow

export RC=2.0.0rc1
export VERSION=${RC/rc?/}

# Create new folder for the release
svn mkdir ${VERSION}

# Move the artifacts to svn folder & commit
for f in ${CLIENT_DEV_SVN}/$RC/*; do 
  svn cp $f . ; 
svn commit -m "Release Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} from ${RC}"

# Remove old release
cd ..
svn commit -m "Remove old release: ${PREVIOUS_VERSION}"

Verify that the packages appear in airflow

Prepare PyPI “release” packages

At this point we release an official package:

  • Copy the packages from the SVN into the dist folder in CLIENT_REPO_ROOT:

    rm -rf ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist
    mkdir ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist
    cp ${CLIENT_RELEASE_SVN}/${VERSION}/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist/
    cp ${CLIENT_RELEASE_SVN}/${VERSION}/apache_airflow_client-${VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist/
    # Remove the -bin
    mv ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz ${CLIENT_REPO_ROOT}/dist/apache-airflow-client-${VERSION}.tar.gz
  • Verify the artifacts that would be uploaded:

    twine check dist/*
  • Upload the package to PyPi's production environment:

    twine upload -r pypi dist/*
  • Confirm that the package is available here:

  • Push Tag for the final version

    git tag ${VERSION}
    git push origin ${VERSION}

Create release on GitHub

Create a new release on GitHub with the release notes and assets from the release svn.

Notify developers of release

Notify (cc'ing that the artifacts have been published:


    cat <<EOF
    [ANNOUNCE] Apache Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} Released


    cat <<EOF
    Dear Airflow community,

I'm happy to announce that Airflow Python Client ${VERSION} was just released.

We also made this version available on PyPI for convenience:
`pip install apache-airflow-client`${VERSION}/

The documentation is available at:

Find the changelog here for more details:

<your name>

Send the same email to, except change the opening line to Dear community,. It is more reliable to send it via the web ui at (press “c” to compose a new thread)

Add release data to Apache Committee Report Helper

Add the release data (version and date) at: