
DAG details. For details see: (airflow.models.DAG)[https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/_api/airflow/models/index.html#airflow.models.DAG]


dag_idstrThe ID of the DAG.[optional] [readonly]
root_dag_idstr, none_typeIf the DAG is SubDAG then it is the top level DAG identifier. Otherwise, null.[optional] [readonly]
is_pausedbool, none_typeWhether the DAG is paused.[optional]
is_subdagboolWhether the DAG is SubDAG.[optional] [readonly]
filelocstrThe absolute path to the file.[optional] [readonly]
file_tokenstrThe key containing the encrypted path to the file. Encryption and decryption take place only on the server. This prevents the client from reading an non-DAG file. This also ensures API extensibility, because the format of encrypted data may change.[optional] [readonly]
owners[str][optional] [readonly]
descriptionstr, none_typeUser-provided DAG description, which can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe DAG contents.[optional] [readonly]
tags[Tag], none_typeList of tags.[optional] [readonly]
catchupbool[optional] [readonly]
orientationstr[optional] [readonly]
concurrencyfloat[optional] [readonly]
start_datedatetime, none_type[optional] [readonly]
doc_mdstr, none_type[optional] [readonly]
default_viewstr[optional] [readonly]
params{str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}[optional] [readonly]
any string namebool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_typeany string name can be used but the value must be the correct type[optional]

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