blob: 6af960ee3368c76b9e7dc95eff8d378a242f1805 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.astConverter = void 0;
const convert_1 = require("./convert");
const convert_comments_1 = require("./convert-comments");
const node_utils_1 = require("./node-utils");
const simple_traverse_1 = require("./simple-traverse");
function astConverter(ast, extra, shouldPreserveNodeMaps) {
* The TypeScript compiler produced fundamental parse errors when parsing the
* source.
// internal typescript api...
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const parseDiagnostics = ast.parseDiagnostics;
if (parseDiagnostics.length) {
throw convert_1.convertError(parseDiagnostics[0]);
* Recursively convert the TypeScript AST into an ESTree-compatible AST
const instance = new convert_1.Converter(ast, {
errorOnUnknownASTType: extra.errorOnUnknownASTType || false,
useJSXTextNode: extra.useJSXTextNode || false,
const estree = instance.convertProgram();
* Optionally remove range and loc if specified
if (!extra.range || !extra.loc) {
simple_traverse_1.simpleTraverse(estree, {
enter: node => {
if (!extra.range) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment -- TS 4.0 made this an error because the types aren't optional
// @ts-expect-error
delete node.range;
if (!extra.loc) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment -- TS 4.0 made this an error because the types aren't optional
// @ts-expect-error
delete node.loc;
* Optionally convert and include all tokens in the AST
if (extra.tokens) {
estree.tokens = node_utils_1.convertTokens(ast);
* Optionally convert and include all comments in the AST
if (extra.comment) {
estree.comments = convert_comments_1.convertComments(ast, extra.code);
const astMaps = instance.getASTMaps();
return { estree, astMaps };
exports.astConverter = astConverter;