blob: 61f11f97ca85f568b8d1e0afddfb89849be170a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* XRegExp Unicode Blocks 4.3.0
* <>
* Steven Levithan (c) 2010-present MIT License
* Unicode data by Mathias Bynens <>
import blocks from '../../tools/output/blocks';
export default (XRegExp) => {
* Adds support for all Unicode blocks. Block names use the prefix 'In'. E.g.,
* `\p{InBasicLatin}`. Token names are case insensitive, and any spaces, hyphens, and
* underscores are ignored.
* Uses Unicode 12.1.0.
* @requires XRegExp, Unicode Base
if (!XRegExp.addUnicodeData) {
throw new ReferenceError('Unicode Base must be loaded before Unicode Blocks');