blob: a3453522fb1d311a1208ee6b8b39ea7bcfc806f0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-env jest */
* @fileoverview Enforce img alt attribute does not have the word image, picture, or photo.
* @author Ethan Cohen
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { RuleTester } from 'eslint';
import parserOptionsMapper from '../../__util__/parserOptionsMapper';
import rule from '../../../src/rules/img-redundant-alt';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const array = [{
components: ['Image'],
words: ['Word1', 'Word2'],
const ruleTester = new RuleTester();
const expectedError = {
message: 'Redundant alt attribute. Screen-readers already announce `img` tags as an image. You don’t need to use the words `image`, `photo,` or `picture` (or any specified custom words) in the alt prop.',
type: 'JSXOpeningElement',
};'img-redundant-alt', rule, {
valid: [
{ code: '<img alt="foo" />;' },
{ code: '<img alt="picture of me taking a photo of an image" aria-hidden />' },
{ code: '<img aria-hidden alt="photo of image" />' },
{ code: '<img ALt="foo" />;' },
{ code: '<img {...this.props} alt="foo" />' },
{ code: '<img {...this.props} alt={"foo"} />' },
{ code: '<img {...this.props} alt={alt} />' },
{ code: '<a />' },
{ code: '<img />' },
{ code: '<IMG />' },
{ code: '<img alt={undefined} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`this should pass for ${now}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`this should pass for ${photo}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`this should pass for ${image}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`this should pass for ${picture}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`${photo}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`${image}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={`${picture}`} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={"undefined"} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={() => {}} />' },
{ code: '<img alt={function(e){}} />' },
{ code: '<img aria-hidden={false} alt="Doing cool things." />' },
{ code: '<UX.Layout>test</UX.Layout>' },
{ code: '<img alt={imageAlt} />' },
{ code: '<img alt />' },
{ code: '<img alt="Photography" />;' },
{ code: '<img alt="ImageMagick" />;' },
invalid: [
{ code: '<img alt="Photo of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="Picture of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="Image of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="PhOtO of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt={"photo"} />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="piCTUre of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="imAGE of friend." />;', errors: [expectedError] },
code: '<img alt="photo of cool person" aria-hidden={false} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt="picture of cool person" aria-hidden={false} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt="image of cool person" aria-hidden={false} />',
errors: [expectedError],
{ code: '<img alt="photo" {...this.props} />', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="image" {...this.props} />', errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="picture" {...this.props} />', errors: [expectedError] },
code: '<img alt={`picture doing ${things}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt={`photo doing ${things}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt={`image doing ${things}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt={`picture doing ${picture}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt={`photo doing ${photo}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
code: '<img alt={`image doing ${image}`} {...this.props} />',
errors: [expectedError],
{ code: '<img alt="Word1" />;', options: array, errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<img alt="Word2" />;', options: array, errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<Image alt="Word1" />;', options: array, errors: [expectedError] },
{ code: '<Image alt="Word2" />;', options: array, errors: [expectedError] },