blob: b5a05c4ecca6f068e8f36fb372c77a1284fa53f4 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
const conversions = require("webidl-conversions");
const utils = require("./utils.js");
const implSymbol = utils.implSymbol;
const ctorRegistrySymbol = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
const interfaceName = "SVGNumber"; = function is(obj) {
return utils.isObject(obj) && utils.hasOwn(obj, implSymbol) && obj[implSymbol] instanceof Impl.implementation;
exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
return utils.isObject(obj) && obj instanceof Impl.implementation;
exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = "The provided value" } = {}) {
if ( {
return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
throw new TypeError(`${context} is not of type 'SVGNumber'.`);
exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
if (globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Internal error: invalid global object");
const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol]["SVGNumber"];
if (ctor === undefined) {
throw new Error("Internal error: constructor SVGNumber is not installed on the passed global object");
let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
return obj;
exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj, globalObject) {};
exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
privateData.wrapper = obj;
exports._internalSetup(obj, globalObject);
Object.defineProperty(obj, implSymbol, {
value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
configurable: true
obj[implSymbol][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
if (Impl.init) {
Impl.init(obj[implSymbol], privateData);
return obj;
exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
class SVGNumber {
constructor() {
throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor");
get value() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation");
return esValue[implSymbol]["value"];
set value(V) {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation");
V = conversions["float"](V, { context: "Failed to set the 'value' property on 'SVGNumber': The provided value" });
esValue[implSymbol]["value"] = V;
Object.defineProperties(SVGNumber.prototype, {
value: { enumerable: true },
[Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "SVGNumber", configurable: true }
if (globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol] === undefined) {
globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol] = Object.create(null);
globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol][interfaceName] = SVGNumber;
Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: SVGNumber
const Impl = require("../svg/SVGNumber-impl.js");