blob: 24128668a6255a395352dcc7237f305c8c1ca3cf [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-env jest */
* @fileoverview Enforce explicit role property is not the
* same as implicit default role property on element.
* @author Ethan Cohen <@evcohen>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { RuleTester } from 'eslint';
import parserOptionsMapper from '../../__util__/parserOptionsMapper';
import rule from '../../../src/rules/no-redundant-roles';
import ruleOptionsMapperFactory from '../../__util__/ruleOptionsMapperFactory';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const ruleTester = new RuleTester();
const expectedError = (element, implicitRole) => ({
message: `The element ${element} has an implicit role of ${implicitRole}. Defining this explicitly is redundant and should be avoided.`,
type: 'JSXOpeningElement',
const ruleName = 'jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles';
const alwaysValid = [
{ code: '<div />;' },
{ code: '<button role="main" />' },
{ code: '<MyComponent role="button" />' },
{ code: '<button role={`${foo}button`} />' },
const neverValid = [
{ code: '<button role="button" />', errors: [expectedError('button', 'button')] },
{ code: '<body role="DOCUMENT" />', errors: [expectedError('body', 'document')] },
];`${ruleName}:recommended`, rule, {
valid: [
{ code: '<nav role="navigation" />' },
invalid: neverValid
const noNavExceptionsOptions = { nav: [] };`${ruleName}:recommended`, rule, {
valid: alwaysValid
invalid: [
{ code: '<nav role="navigation" />', errors: [expectedError('nav', 'navigation')] },