blob: 32c2f39a3ee87ff164720ebd7178c560ea8b5ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
export function endpointsToMethods(octokit, endpointsMap) {
const newMethods = {};
for (const [scope, endpoints] of Object.entries(endpointsMap)) {
for (const [methodName, endpoint] of Object.entries(endpoints)) {
const [route, defaults, decorations] = endpoint;
const [method, url] = route.split(/ /);
const endpointDefaults = Object.assign({ method, url }, defaults);
if (!newMethods[scope]) {
newMethods[scope] = {};
const scopeMethods = newMethods[scope];
if (decorations) {
scopeMethods[methodName] = decorate(octokit, scope, methodName, endpointDefaults, decorations);
scopeMethods[methodName] = octokit.request.defaults(endpointDefaults);
return newMethods;
function decorate(octokit, scope, methodName, defaults, decorations) {
const requestWithDefaults = octokit.request.defaults(defaults);
/* istanbul ignore next */
function withDecorations(...args) {
// @ts-ignore
let options = requestWithDefaults.endpoint.merge(...args);
// There are currently no other decorations than `.mapToData`
if (decorations.mapToData) {
options = Object.assign({}, options, {
data: options[decorations.mapToData],
[decorations.mapToData]: undefined,
return requestWithDefaults(options);
if (decorations.renamed) {
const [newScope, newMethodName] = decorations.renamed;
octokit.log.warn(`octokit.${scope}.${methodName}() has been renamed to octokit.${newScope}.${newMethodName}()`);
if (decorations.deprecated) {
if (decorations.renamedParameters) {
// @ts-ignore
const options = requestWithDefaults.endpoint.merge(...args);
for (const [name, alias] of Object.entries(decorations.renamedParameters)) {
if (name in options) {
octokit.log.warn(`"${name}" parameter is deprecated for "octokit.${scope}.${methodName}()". Use "${alias}" instead`);
if (!(alias in options)) {
options[alias] = options[name];
delete options[name];
return requestWithDefaults(options);
// @ts-ignore
return requestWithDefaults(...args);
return Object.assign(withDecorations, requestWithDefaults);