tree: 989d9eb9b508cb4da506a4ca4127887b807db386 [path history] [tgz]
  1. defaults/
  2. handlers/
  3. tasks/
  4. templates/

Keycloak Deployment

###Configuration variables are distributed between :

  1. roles/keycloak/default/main.yml - defaults for keycloak internal variables
  2. inventories/airavata-iam/group_vars/all.yml - Global variables

###Running instructions:

  1. Make sure all the variables are configured correctly
  2. Dont use the Database role, rather set up the VM with default version provided by centos, tested with MySql 5.6 & MariaDB 5.5.52), Ansible role for the same is coming soon.
  3. Ensure the host file: inventories/airavata-iam/hosts has correct IP address
  4. For Standalone mode deployment : ansible-playbook -i inventories/airavata-iam keycloak.yml