Keycloak Deployment

###Configuration variables are distributed between :

  1. roles/keycloak/default/main.yml - defaults for keycloak internal variables
  2. inventories/airavata-iam/group_vars/all.yml - Global variables

###Running instructions:

  1. Make sure SSL certificates and keystore files are present in roles/keycloak/files directory
  2. Make sure all the variables are configured correctly
  3. Dont use the Database role, rather set up the VM with default version provided by centos, tested with MySql 5.6 & MariaDB 5.5.52), Ansible role for the same is coming soon.
  4. Ensure the host file: inventories/airavata-iam/hosts has correct IP address
  5. For Standalone mode deployment : ansible-playbook -i inventories/airavata-iam airavata-iam-setup.yml -t "standalone"
  6. For HaCluster mode deployment : ansible-playbook -i inventories/airavata-iam airavata-iam-setup.yml -t "hacluster"