blob: b3da6ecd0ba8288605ef637d6756ac60dd4bf1c9 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace java org.apache.airavata.allocation.manager.service.cpi
include "./allocation_manager_models.thrift"
service AllocationRegistryService{
<p>API method to create new allocation requests</p>
string createAllocationRequest(1: required allocation_manager_models.UserAllocationDetail allocDetail)
<p>API method to delete allocation request</p>
bool deleteAllocationRequest(1: required string projectId)
<p>API method to get an allocation Request</p>
allocation_manager_models.UserAllocationDetail getAllocationRequest(1: required string projectId)
<p>API method to update an allocation Request</p>
bool updateAllocationRequest(1: required allocation_manager_models.UserAllocationDetail allocDetail)
<p>API method to get an allocation Request status</p>
string getAllocationRequestStatus(1: required string projectId)
<p>API method to get an allocation Request PI email</p>
string getAllocationRequestUserEmail(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to get an allocation Request Admin email</p>
string getAllocationManagerAdminEmail(1: required string userType)
<p>API method to get an allocation Request PI</p>
string getAllocationRequestUserName(1: required string projectId)
<p>API method to get all requests for admin</p>
list<allocation_manager_models.UserAllocationDetail> getAllRequestsForAdmin(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to assign reviewers</p>
bool assignReviewers(1:required string projectId , 2: required string reviewerId, 3: required string adminId)
<p>API method to update request submitted by reviewer</p>
bool updateRequestByReviewer(1:required allocation_manager_models.ReviewerAllocationDetail reviewerAllocationDetail)
<p>API method to check if the logged in user is an Admin</p>
bool isAdmin(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to check if the logged in user is a Reviewer</p>
bool isReviewer(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to get all requests assigned to the reviewers</p>
list<allocation_manager_models.UserAllocationDetail> getAllRequestsForReviewers(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to get a user details</p>
allocation_manager_models.UserDetail getUserDetails(1: required string userName)
<p>API method to get all the reviews for a request</p>
list<allocation_manager_models.ReviewerAllocationDetail> getAllReviewsForARequest(1:required string projectId)
<p>API method to get all reviewers</p>
list<allocation_manager_models.UserDetail> getAllReviewers()
<p>API method to get all unassigned reviewers for a request</p>
list<allocation_manager_models.UserDetail> getAllUnassignedReviewersForRequest(1:required string projectId)
<p>API method to approve a request</p>
bool approveRequest(1:required string projectId, 2:required string adminId, 3:required i64 startDate, 4:required i64 endDate, 5:required i64 awardAllocation)
<p>API method to reject a request</p>
bool rejectRequest(1:required string projectId, 2:required string adminId)
<p>API method to create a new user</p>
bool createUser(1:required allocation_manager_models.UserDetail userDetail)