blob: 70c9bbd332730e46c868dd6abce0bc5f1702b956 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxCoordinateAssignment
* Sets the horizontal locations of node and edge dummy nodes on each layer.
* Uses median down and up weighings as well as heuristics to straighten edges as
* far as possible.
* Constructor: mxCoordinateAssignment
* Creates a coordinate assignment.
* Arguments:
* intraCellSpacing - the minimum buffer between cells on the same rank
* interRankCellSpacing - the minimum distance between cells on adjacent ranks
* orientation - the position of the root node(s) relative to the graph
* initialX - the leftmost coordinate node placement starts at
function mxCoordinateAssignment(layout, intraCellSpacing, interRankCellSpacing,
orientation, initialX, parallelEdgeSpacing)
this.layout = layout;
this.intraCellSpacing = intraCellSpacing;
this.interRankCellSpacing = interRankCellSpacing;
this.orientation = orientation;
this.initialX = initialX;
this.parallelEdgeSpacing = parallelEdgeSpacing;
* Extends mxHierarchicalLayoutStage.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype = new mxHierarchicalLayoutStage();
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.constructor = mxCoordinateAssignment;
* Variable: layout
* Reference to the enclosing <mxHierarchicalLayout>.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.layout = null;
* Variable: intraCellSpacing
* The minimum buffer between cells on the same rank. Default is 30.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.intraCellSpacing = 30;
* Variable: interRankCellSpacing
* The minimum distance between cells on adjacent ranks. Default is 10.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.interRankCellSpacing = 100;
* Variable: parallelEdgeSpacing
* The distance between each parallel edge on each ranks for long edges.
* Default is 10.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.parallelEdgeSpacing = 10;
* Variable: maxIterations
* The number of heuristic iterations to run. Default is 8.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.maxIterations = 8;
* Variable: prefHozEdgeSep
* The preferred horizontal distance between edges exiting a vertex
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.prefHozEdgeSep = 5;
* Variable: prefVertEdgeOff
* The preferred vertical offset between edges exiting a vertex
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.prefVertEdgeOff = 2;
* Variable: minEdgeJetty
* The minimum distance for an edge jetty from a vertex
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minEdgeJetty = 12;
* Variable: channelBuffer
* The size of the vertical buffer in the center of inter-rank channels
* where edge control points should not be placed
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.channelBuffer = 4;
* Variable: jettyPositions
* Map of internal edges and (x,y) pair of positions of the start and end jetty
* for that edge where it connects to the source and target vertices.
* Note this should technically be a WeakHashMap, but since JS does not
* have an equivalent, housekeeping must be performed before using.
* i.e. check all edges are still in the model and clear the values.
* Note that the y co-ord is the offset of the jetty, not the
* absolute point
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.jettyPositions = null;
* Variable: orientation
* The position of the root ( start ) node(s) relative to the rest of the
* laid out graph. Default is <mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH>.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
* Variable: initialX
* The minimum x position node placement starts at
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.initialX = null;
* Variable: limitX
* The maximum x value this positioning lays up to
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.limitX = null;
* Variable: currentXDelta
* The sum of x-displacements for the current iteration
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.currentXDelta = null;
* Variable: widestRank
* The rank that has the widest x position
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.widestRank = null;
* Variable: rankTopY
* Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankTopY = null;
* Variable: rankBottomY
* Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankBottomY = null;
* Variable: widestRankValue
* The X-coordinate of the edge of the widest rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.widestRankValue = null;
* Variable: rankWidths
* The width of all the ranks
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankWidths = null;
* Variable: rankY
* The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankY = null;
* Variable: fineTuning
* Whether or not to perform local optimisations and iterate multiple times
* through the algorithm. Default is true.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.fineTuning = true;
* Variable: nextLayerConnectedCache
* A store of connections to the layer above for speed
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.nextLayerConnectedCache = null;
* Variable: previousLayerConnectedCache
* A store of connections to the layer below for speed
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.previousLayerConnectedCache = null;
* Variable: groupPadding
* Padding added to resized parents
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.groupPadding = 10;
* Utility method to display current positions
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.printStatus = function()
var model = this.layout.getModel();;
mxLog.writeln('======Coord assignment debug=======');
for (var j = 0; j < model.ranks.length; j++)
mxLog.write('Rank ', j, ' : ' );
var rank = model.ranks[j];
for (var k = 0; k < rank.length; k++)
var cell = rank[k];
mxLog.write(cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(j), ' ');
* Function: execute
* A basic horizontal coordinate assignment algorithm
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.execute = function(parent)
this.jettyPositions = Object();
var model = this.layout.getModel();
this.currentXDelta = 0.0;
this.initialCoords(this.layout.getGraph(), model);
// this.printStatus();
if (this.fineTuning)
var bestXDelta = 100000000.0;
if (this.fineTuning)
for (var i = 0; i < this.maxIterations; i++)
// this.printStatus();
// Median Heuristic
if (i != 0)
this.medianPos(i, model);
// if the total offset is less for the current positioning,
// there are less heavily angled edges and so the current
// positioning is used
if (this.currentXDelta < bestXDelta)
for (var j = 0; j < model.ranks.length; j++)
var rank = model.ranks[j];
for (var k = 0; k < rank.length; k++)
var cell = rank[k];
cell.setX(j, cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(j));
bestXDelta = this.currentXDelta;
// Restore the best positions
for (var j = 0; j < model.ranks.length; j++)
var rank = model.ranks[j];
for (var k = 0; k < rank.length; k++)
var cell = rank[k];
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(j, cell.getX(j));
this.minPath(this.layout.getGraph(), model);
this.currentXDelta = 0;
this.setCellLocations(this.layout.getGraph(), model);
* Function: minNode
* Performs one median positioning sweep in both directions
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minNode = function(model)
// Queue all nodes
var nodeList = [];
// Need to be able to map from cell to cellWrapper
var map = new mxDictionary();
var rank = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= model.maxRank; i++)
rank[i] = model.ranks[i];
for (var j = 0; j < rank[i].length; j++)
// Use the weight to store the rank and visited to store whether
// or not the cell is in the list
var node = rank[i][j];
var nodeWrapper = new WeightedCellSorter(node, i);
nodeWrapper.rankIndex = j;
nodeWrapper.visited = true;
map.put(node, nodeWrapper);
// Set a limit of the maximum number of times we will access the queue
// in case a loop appears
var maxTries = nodeList.length * 10;
var count = 0;
// Don't move cell within this value of their median
var tolerance = 1;
while (nodeList.length > 0 && count <= maxTries)
var cellWrapper = nodeList.shift();
var cell = cellWrapper.cell;
var rankValue = cellWrapper.weightedValue;
var rankIndex = parseInt(cellWrapper.rankIndex);
var nextLayerConnectedCells = cell.getNextLayerConnectedCells(rankValue);
var previousLayerConnectedCells = cell.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(rankValue);
var numNextLayerConnected = nextLayerConnectedCells.length;
var numPreviousLayerConnected = previousLayerConnectedCells.length;
var medianNextLevel = this.medianXValue(nextLayerConnectedCells,
rankValue + 1);
var medianPreviousLevel = this.medianXValue(previousLayerConnectedCells,
rankValue - 1);
var numConnectedNeighbours = numNextLayerConnected
+ numPreviousLayerConnected;
var currentPosition = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue);
var cellMedian = currentPosition;
if (numConnectedNeighbours > 0)
cellMedian = (medianNextLevel * numNextLayerConnected + medianPreviousLevel
* numPreviousLayerConnected)
/ numConnectedNeighbours;
// Flag storing whether or not position has changed
var positionChanged = false;
if (cellMedian < currentPosition - tolerance)
if (rankIndex == 0)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
var leftCell = rank[rankValue][rankIndex - 1];
var leftLimit = leftCell
leftLimit = leftLimit + leftCell.width / 2
+ this.intraCellSpacing + cell.width / 2;
if (leftLimit < cellMedian)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
else if (leftLimit < cell
- tolerance)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, leftLimit);
positionChanged = true;
else if (cellMedian > currentPosition + tolerance)
var rankSize = rank[rankValue].length;
if (rankIndex == rankSize - 1)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
var rightCell = rank[rankValue][rankIndex + 1];
var rightLimit = rightCell
rightLimit = rightLimit - rightCell.width / 2
- this.intraCellSpacing - cell.width / 2;
if (rightLimit > cellMedian)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
else if (rightLimit > cell
+ tolerance)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, rightLimit);
positionChanged = true;
if (positionChanged)
// Add connected nodes to map and list
for (var i = 0; i < nextLayerConnectedCells.length; i++)
var connectedCell = nextLayerConnectedCells[i];
var connectedCellWrapper = map.get(connectedCell);
if (connectedCellWrapper != null)
if (connectedCellWrapper.visited == false)
connectedCellWrapper.visited = true;
// Add connected nodes to map and list
for (var i = 0; i < previousLayerConnectedCells.length; i++)
var connectedCell = previousLayerConnectedCells[i];
var connectedCellWrapper = map.get(connectedCell);
if (connectedCellWrapper != null)
if (connectedCellWrapper.visited == false)
connectedCellWrapper.visited = true;
cellWrapper.visited = false;
* Function: medianPos
* Performs one median positioning sweep in one direction
* Parameters:
* i - the iteration of the whole process
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianPos = function(i, model)
// Reverse sweep direction each time through this method
var downwardSweep = (i % 2 == 0);
if (downwardSweep)
for (var j = model.maxRank; j > 0; j--)
this.rankMedianPosition(j - 1, model, j);
for (var j = 0; j < model.maxRank - 1; j++)
this.rankMedianPosition(j + 1, model, j);
* Function: rankMedianPosition
* Performs median minimisation over one rank.
* Parameters:
* rankValue - the layer number of this rank
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
* nextRankValue - the layer number whose connected cels are to be laid out
* relative to
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function(rankValue, model, nextRankValue)
var rank = model.ranks[rankValue];
// Form an array of the order in which the cell are to be processed
// , the order is given by the weighted sum of the in or out edges,
// depending on whether we're traveling up or down the hierarchy.
var weightedValues = [];
var cellMap = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < rank.length; i++)
var currentCell = rank[i];
weightedValues[i] = new WeightedCellSorter();
weightedValues[i].cell = currentCell;
weightedValues[i].rankIndex = i;
cellMap[] = weightedValues[i];
var nextLayerConnectedCells = null;
if (nextRankValue < rankValue)
nextLayerConnectedCells = currentCell
nextLayerConnectedCells = currentCell
// Calculate the weighing based on this node type and those this
// node is connected to on the next layer
weightedValues[i].weightedValue = this.calculatedWeightedValue(
currentCell, nextLayerConnectedCells);
// Set the new position of each node within the rank using
// its temp variable
for (var i = 0; i < weightedValues.length; i++)
var numConnectionsNextLevel = 0;
var cell = weightedValues[i].cell;
var nextLayerConnectedCells = null;
var medianNextLevel = 0;
if (nextRankValue < rankValue)
nextLayerConnectedCells = cell.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(
nextLayerConnectedCells = cell.getNextLayerConnectedCells(
if (nextLayerConnectedCells != null)
numConnectionsNextLevel = nextLayerConnectedCells.length;
if (numConnectionsNextLevel > 0)
medianNextLevel = this.medianXValue(nextLayerConnectedCells,
// For case of no connections on the next level set the
// median to be the current position and try to be
// positioned there
medianNextLevel = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue);
var leftBuffer = 0.0;
var leftLimit = -100000000.0;
for (var j = weightedValues[i].rankIndex - 1; j >= 0;)
var weightedValue = cellMap[rank[j].id];
if (weightedValue != null)
var leftCell = weightedValue.cell;
if (weightedValue.visited)
// The left limit is the right hand limit of that
// cell plus any allowance for unallocated cells
// in-between
leftLimit = leftCell
+ leftCell.width
/ 2.0
+ this.intraCellSpacing
+ leftBuffer + cell.width / 2.0;
j = -1;
leftBuffer += leftCell.width + this.intraCellSpacing;
var rightBuffer = 0.0;
var rightLimit = 100000000.0;
for (var j = weightedValues[i].rankIndex + 1; j < weightedValues.length;)
var weightedValue = cellMap[rank[j].id];
if (weightedValue != null)
var rightCell = weightedValue.cell;
if (weightedValue.visited)
// The left limit is the right hand limit of that
// cell plus any allowance for unallocated cells
// in-between
rightLimit = rightCell
- rightCell.width
/ 2.0
- this.intraCellSpacing
- rightBuffer - cell.width / 2.0;
j = weightedValues.length;
rightBuffer += rightCell.width + this.intraCellSpacing;
if (medianNextLevel >= leftLimit && medianNextLevel <= rightLimit)
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, medianNextLevel);
else if (medianNextLevel < leftLimit)
// Couldn't place at median value, place as close to that
// value as possible
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, leftLimit);
this.currentXDelta += leftLimit - medianNextLevel;
else if (medianNextLevel > rightLimit)
// Couldn't place at median value, place as close to that
// value as possible
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, rightLimit);
this.currentXDelta += medianNextLevel - rightLimit;
weightedValues[i].visited = true;
* Function: calculatedWeightedValue
* Calculates the priority the specified cell has based on the type of its
* cell and the cells it is connected to on the next layer
* Parameters:
* currentCell - the cell whose weight is to be calculated
* collection - the cells the specified cell is connected to
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.calculatedWeightedValue = function(currentCell, collection)
var totalWeight = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++)
var cell = collection[i];
if (currentCell.isVertex() && cell.isVertex())
else if (currentCell.isEdge() && cell.isEdge())
totalWeight += 8;
totalWeight += 2;
return totalWeight;
* Function: medianXValue
* Calculates the median position of the connected cell on the specified
* rank
* Parameters:
* connectedCells - the cells the candidate connects to on this level
* rankValue - the layer number of this rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianXValue = function(connectedCells, rankValue)
if (connectedCells.length == 0)
return 0;
var medianValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < connectedCells.length; i++)
medianValues[i] = connectedCells[i].getGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue);
medianValues.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
if (connectedCells.length % 2 == 1)
// For odd numbers of adjacent vertices return the median
return medianValues[Math.floor(connectedCells.length / 2)];
var medianPoint = connectedCells.length / 2;
var leftMedian = medianValues[medianPoint - 1];
var rightMedian = medianValues[medianPoint];
return ((leftMedian + rightMedian) / 2);
* Function: initialCoords
* Sets up the layout in an initial positioning. The ranks are all centered
* as much as possible along the middle vertex in each rank. The other cells
* are then placed as close as possible on either side.
* Parameters:
* facade - the facade describing the input graph
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.initialCoords = function(facade, model)
this.calculateWidestRank(facade, model);
// Sweep up and down from the widest rank
for (var i = this.widestRank; i >= 0; i--)
if (i < model.maxRank)
this.rankCoordinates(i, facade, model);
for (var i = this.widestRank+1; i <= model.maxRank; i++)
if (i > 0)
this.rankCoordinates(i, facade, model);
* Function: rankCoordinates
* Sets up the layout in an initial positioning. All the first cells in each
* rank are moved to the left and the rest of the rank inserted as close
* together as their size and buffering permits. This method works on just
* the specified rank.
* Parameters:
* rankValue - the current rank being processed
* graph - the facade describing the input graph
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function(rankValue, graph, model)
var rank = model.ranks[rankValue];
var maxY = 0.0;
var localX = this.initialX + (this.widestRankValue - this.rankWidths[rankValue])
/ 2;
// Store whether or not any of the cells' bounds were unavailable so
// to only issue the warning once for all cells
var boundsWarning = false;
for (var i = 0; i < rank.length; i++)
var node = rank[i];
if (node.isVertex())
var bounds = this.layout.getVertexBounds(node.cell);
if (bounds != null)
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
node.width = bounds.width;
node.height = bounds.height;
node.width = bounds.height;
node.height = bounds.width;
boundsWarning = true;
maxY = Math.max(maxY, node.height);
else if (node.isEdge())
// The width is the number of additional parallel edges
// time the parallel edge spacing
var numEdges = 1;
if (node.edges != null)
numEdges = node.edges.length;
mxLog.warn('edge.edges is null');
node.width = (numEdges - 1) * this.parallelEdgeSpacing;
// Set the initial x-value as being the best result so far
localX += node.width / 2.0;
node.setX(rankValue, localX);
node.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, localX);
localX += node.width / 2.0;
localX += this.intraCellSpacing;
if (boundsWarning == true)
mxLog.warn('At least one cell has no bounds');
* Function: calculateWidestRank
* Calculates the width rank in the hierarchy. Also set the y value of each
* rank whilst performing the calculation
* Parameters:
* graph - the facade describing the input graph
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.calculateWidestRank = function(graph, model)
// Starting y co-ordinate
var y = -this.interRankCellSpacing;
// Track the widest cell on the last rank since the y
// difference depends on it
var lastRankMaxCellHeight = 0.0;
this.rankWidths = [];
this.rankY = [];
for (var rankValue = model.maxRank; rankValue >= 0; rankValue--)
// Keep track of the widest cell on this rank
var maxCellHeight = 0.0;
var rank = model.ranks[rankValue];
var localX = this.initialX;
// Store whether or not any of the cells' bounds were unavailable so
// to only issue the warning once for all cells
var boundsWarning = false;
for (var i = 0; i < rank.length; i++)
var node = rank[i];
if (node.isVertex())
var bounds = this.layout.getVertexBounds(node.cell);
if (bounds != null)
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
node.width = bounds.width;
node.height = bounds.height;
node.width = bounds.height;
node.height = bounds.width;
boundsWarning = true;
maxCellHeight = Math.max(maxCellHeight, node.height);
else if (node.isEdge())
// The width is the number of additional parallel edges
// time the parallel edge spacing
var numEdges = 1;
if (node.edges != null)
numEdges = node.edges.length;
mxLog.warn('edge.edges is null');
node.width = (numEdges - 1) * this.parallelEdgeSpacing;
// Set the initial x-value as being the best result so far
localX += node.width / 2.0;
node.setX(rankValue, localX);
node.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, localX);
localX += node.width / 2.0;
localX += this.intraCellSpacing;
if (localX > this.widestRankValue)
this.widestRankValue = localX;
this.widestRank = rankValue;
this.rankWidths[rankValue] = localX;
if (boundsWarning == true)
mxLog.warn('At least one cell has no bounds');
this.rankY[rankValue] = y;
var distanceToNextRank = maxCellHeight / 2.0
+ lastRankMaxCellHeight / 2.0 + this.interRankCellSpacing;
lastRankMaxCellHeight = maxCellHeight;
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
y += distanceToNextRank;
y -= distanceToNextRank;
for (var i = 0; i < rank.length; i++)
var cell = rank[i];
cell.setY(rankValue, y);
* Function: minPath
* Straightens out chains of virtual nodes where possibleacade to those stored after this layout
* processing step has completed.
* Parameters:
* graph - the facade describing the input graph
* model - an internal model of the hierarchical layout
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minPath = function(graph, model)
// Work down and up each edge with at least 2 control points
// trying to straighten each one out. If the same number of
// straight segments are formed in both directions, the
// preferred direction used is the one where the final
// control points have the least offset from the connectable
// region of the terminating vertices
var edges = model.edgeMapper.getValues();
for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++)
var cell = edges[j];
if (cell.maxRank - cell.minRank - 1 < 1)
// At least two virtual nodes in the edge
// Check first whether the edge is already straight
var referenceX = cell
.getGeneralPurposeVariable(cell.minRank + 1);
var edgeStraight = true;
var refSegCount = 0;
for (var i = cell.minRank + 2; i < cell.maxRank; i++)
var x = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(i);
if (referenceX != x)
edgeStraight = false;
referenceX = x;
if (!edgeStraight)
var upSegCount = 0;
var downSegCount = 0;
var upXPositions = [];
var downXPositions = [];
var currentX = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(cell.minRank + 1);
for (var i = cell.minRank + 1; i < cell.maxRank - 1; i++)
// Attempt to straight out the control point on the
// next segment up with the current control point.
var nextX = cell.getX(i + 1);
if (currentX == nextX)
upXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 1] = currentX;
else if (this.repositionValid(model, cell, i + 1, currentX))
upXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 1] = currentX;
// Leave currentX at same value
upXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 1] = nextX;
currentX = nextX;
currentX = cell.getX(i);
for (var i = cell.maxRank - 1; i > cell.minRank + 1; i--)
// Attempt to straight out the control point on the
// next segment down with the current control point.
var nextX = cell.getX(i - 1);
if (currentX == nextX)
downXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 2] = currentX;
else if (this.repositionValid(model, cell, i - 1, currentX))
downXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 2] = currentX;
// Leave currentX at same value
downXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 2] = cell.getX(i-1);
currentX = nextX;
if (downSegCount > refSegCount || upSegCount > refSegCount)
if (downSegCount >= upSegCount)
// Apply down calculation values
for (var i = cell.maxRank - 2; i > cell.minRank; i--)
cell.setX(i, downXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 1]);
else if (upSegCount > downSegCount)
// Apply up calculation values
for (var i = cell.minRank + 2; i < cell.maxRank; i++)
cell.setX(i, upXPositions[i - cell.minRank - 2]);
// Neither direction provided a favourable result
// But both calculations are better than the
// existing solution, so apply the one with minimal
// offset to attached vertices at either end.
* Function: repositionValid
* Determines whether or not a node may be moved to the specified x
* position on the specified rank
* Parameters:
* model - the layout model
* cell - the cell being analysed
* rank - the layer of the cell
* position - the x position being sought
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function(model, cell, rank, position)
var rankArray = model.ranks[rank];
var rankIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < rankArray.length; i++)
if (cell == rankArray[i])
rankIndex = i;
if (rankIndex < 0)
return false;
var currentX = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rank);
if (position < currentX)
// Trying to move node to the left.
if (rankIndex == 0)
// Left-most node, can move anywhere
return true;
var leftCell = rankArray[rankIndex - 1];
var leftLimit = leftCell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rank);
leftLimit = leftLimit + leftCell.width / 2
+ this.intraCellSpacing + cell.width / 2;
if (leftLimit <= position)
return true;
return false;
else if (position > currentX)
// Trying to move node to the right.
if (rankIndex == rankArray.length - 1)
// Right-most node, can move anywhere
return true;
var rightCell = rankArray[rankIndex + 1];
var rightLimit = rightCell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rank);
rightLimit = rightLimit - rightCell.width / 2
- this.intraCellSpacing - cell.width / 2;
if (rightLimit >= position)
return true;
return false;
return true;
* Function: setCellLocations
* Sets the cell locations in the facade to those stored after this layout
* processing step has completed.
* Parameters:
* graph - the input graph
* model - the layout model
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setCellLocations = function(graph, model)
this.rankTopY = [];
this.rankBottomY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < model.ranks.length; i++)
this.rankTopY[i] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.rankBottomY[i] = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
var vertices = model.vertexMapper.getValues();
// Process vertices all first, since they define the lower and
// limits of each rank. Between these limits lie the channels
// where the edges can be routed across the graph
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
// Post process edge styles. Needs the vertex locations set for initial
// values of the top and bottoms of each rank
if (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.ORTHOGONAL
|| this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.POLYLINE
|| this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE)
var edges = model.edgeMapper.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++)
* Function: localEdgeProcessing
* Separates the x position of edges as they connect to vertices
* Parameters:
* model - the layout model
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function(model)
// Iterate through each vertex, look at the edges connected in
// both directions.
for (var rankIndex = 0; rankIndex < model.ranks.length; rankIndex++)
var rank = model.ranks[rankIndex];
for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < rank.length; cellIndex++)
var cell = rank[cellIndex];
if (cell.isVertex())
var currentCells = cell.getPreviousLayerConnectedCells(rankIndex);
var currentRank = rankIndex - 1;
// Two loops, last connected cells, and next
for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++)
if (currentRank > -1
&& currentRank < model.ranks.length
&& currentCells != null
&& currentCells.length > 0)
var sortedCells = [];
for (var j = 0; j < currentCells.length; j++)
var sorter = new WeightedCellSorter(
currentCells[j], currentCells[j].getX(currentRank));
var leftLimit = cell.x[0] - cell.width / 2;
var rightLimit = leftLimit + cell.width;
// Connected edge count starts at 1 to allow for buffer
// with edge of vertex
var connectedEdgeCount = 0;
var connectedEdgeGroupCount = 0;
var connectedEdges = [];
// Calculate width requirements for all connected edges
for (var j = 0; j < sortedCells.length; j++)
var innerCell = sortedCells[j].cell;
var connections;
if (innerCell.isVertex())
// Get the connecting edge
if (k == 0)
connections = cell.connectsAsSource;
connections = cell.connectsAsTarget;
for (var connIndex = 0; connIndex < connections.length; connIndex++)
if (connections[connIndex].source == innerCell
|| connections[connIndex].target == innerCell)
connectedEdgeCount += connections[connIndex].edges
connectedEdgeCount += innerCell.edges.length;
var requiredWidth = (connectedEdgeCount + 1)
* this.prefHozEdgeSep;
// Add a buffer on the edges of the vertex if the edge count allows
if (cell.width > requiredWidth
+ (2 * this.prefHozEdgeSep))
leftLimit += this.prefHozEdgeSep;
rightLimit -= this.prefHozEdgeSep;
var availableWidth = rightLimit - leftLimit;
var edgeSpacing = availableWidth / connectedEdgeCount;
var currentX = leftLimit + edgeSpacing / 2.0;
var currentYOffset = this.minEdgeJetty - this.prefVertEdgeOff;
var maxYOffset = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < connectedEdges.length; j++)
var numActualEdges = connectedEdges[j].edges
var pos = this.jettyPositions[connectedEdges[j].ids[0]];
if (pos == null)
pos = [];
this.jettyPositions[connectedEdges[j].ids[0]] = pos;
if (j < connectedEdgeCount / 2)
currentYOffset += this.prefVertEdgeOff;
else if (j > connectedEdgeCount / 2)
currentYOffset -= this.prefVertEdgeOff;
// Ignore the case if equals, this means the second of 2
// jettys with the same y (even number of edges)
for (var m = 0; m < numActualEdges; m++)
pos[m * 4 + k * 2] = currentX;
currentX += edgeSpacing;
pos[m * 4 + k * 2 + 1] = currentYOffset;
maxYOffset = Math.max(maxYOffset,
currentCells = cell.getNextLayerConnectedCells(rankIndex);
currentRank = rankIndex + 1;
* Function: setEdgePosition
* Fixes the control points
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setEdgePosition = function(cell)
// For parallel edges we need to seperate out the points a
// little
var offsetX = 0;
// Only set the edge control points once
if (cell.temp[0] != 101207)
var maxRank = cell.maxRank;
var minRank = cell.minRank;
if (maxRank == minRank)
maxRank = cell.source.maxRank;
minRank =;
var parallelEdgeCount = 0;
var jettys = this.jettyPositions[cell.ids[0]];
var source = cell.isReversed ? : cell.source.cell;
var graph = this.layout.graph;
var layoutReversed = this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST
|| this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
for (var i = 0; i < cell.edges.length; i++)
var realEdge = cell.edges[i];
var realSource = this.layout.getVisibleTerminal(realEdge, true);
//List oldPoints = graph.getPoints(realEdge);
var newPoints = [];
// Single length reversed edges end up with the jettys in the wrong
// places. Since single length edges only have jettys, not segment
// control points, we just say the edge isn't reversed in this section
var reversed = cell.isReversed;
if (realSource != source)
// The real edges include all core model edges and these can go
// in both directions. If the source of the hierarchical model edge
// isn't the source of the specific real edge in this iteration
// treat if as reversed
reversed = !reversed;
// First jetty of edge
if (jettys != null)
var arrayOffset = reversed ? 2 : 0;
var y = reversed ?
(layoutReversed ? this.rankBottomY[minRank] : this.rankTopY[minRank]) :
(layoutReversed ? this.rankTopY[maxRank] : this.rankBottomY[maxRank]);
var jetty = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 1 + arrayOffset];
if (reversed != layoutReversed)
jetty = -jetty;
y += jetty;
var x = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + arrayOffset];
var modelSource = graph.model.getTerminal(realEdge, true);
if (this.layout.isPort(modelSource) && graph.model.getParent(modelSource) == realSource)
var state = graph.view.getState(modelSource);
if (state != null)
x = state.x;
x = realSource.geometry.x + cell.source.width * modelSource.geometry.x;
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
|| this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y));
if (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y + jetty));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(y, x));
if (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(y + jetty, x));
// Declare variables to define loop through edge points and
// change direction if edge is reversed
var loopStart = cell.x.length - 1;
var loopLimit = -1;
var loopDelta = -1;
var currentRank = cell.maxRank - 1;
if (reversed)
loopStart = 0;
loopLimit = cell.x.length;
loopDelta = 1;
currentRank = cell.minRank + 1;
// Reversed edges need the points inserted in
// reverse order
for (var j = loopStart; (cell.maxRank != cell.minRank) && j != loopLimit; j += loopDelta)
// The horizontal position in a vertical layout
var positionX = cell.x[j] + offsetX;
// Work out the vertical positions in a vertical layout
// in the edge buffer channels above and below this rank
var topChannelY = (this.rankTopY[currentRank] + this.rankBottomY[currentRank + 1]) / 2.0;
var bottomChannelY = (this.rankTopY[currentRank - 1] + this.rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;
if (reversed)
var tmp = topChannelY;
topChannelY = bottomChannelY;
bottomChannelY = tmp;
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(positionX, topChannelY));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(positionX, bottomChannelY));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(topChannelY, positionX));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(bottomChannelY, positionX));
this.limitX = Math.max(this.limitX, positionX);
currentRank += loopDelta;
// Second jetty of edge
if (jettys != null)
var arrayOffset = reversed ? 2 : 0;
var rankY = reversed ?
(layoutReversed ? this.rankTopY[maxRank] : this.rankBottomY[maxRank]) :
(layoutReversed ? this.rankBottomY[minRank] : this.rankTopY[minRank]);
var jetty = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 3 - arrayOffset];
if (reversed != layoutReversed)
jetty = -jetty;
var y = rankY - jetty;
var x = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 2 - arrayOffset];
var modelTarget = graph.model.getTerminal(realEdge, false);
var realTarget = this.layout.getVisibleTerminal(realEdge, false);
if (this.layout.isPort(modelTarget) && graph.model.getParent(modelTarget) == realTarget)
var state = graph.view.getState(modelTarget);
if (state != null)
x = state.x;
x = realTarget.geometry.x + * modelTarget.geometry.x;
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
if (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y - jetty));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(x, y));
if (this.layout.edgeStyle == mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle.CURVE)
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(y - jetty, x));
newPoints.push(new mxPoint(y, x));
if (cell.isReversed)
this.processReversedEdge(cell, realEdge);
this.layout.setEdgePoints(realEdge, newPoints);
// Increase offset so next edge is drawn next to
// this one
if (offsetX == 0.0)
offsetX = this.parallelEdgeSpacing;
else if (offsetX > 0)
offsetX = -offsetX;
offsetX = -offsetX + this.parallelEdgeSpacing;
cell.temp[0] = 101207;
* Function: setVertexLocation
* Fixes the position of the specified vertex.
* Parameters:
* cell - the vertex to position
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setVertexLocation = function(cell)
var realCell = cell.cell;
var positionX = cell.x[0] - cell.width / 2;
var positionY = cell.y[0] - cell.height / 2;
this.rankTopY[cell.minRank] = Math.min(this.rankTopY[cell.minRank], positionY);
this.rankBottomY[cell.minRank] = Math.max(this.rankBottomY[cell.minRank],
positionY + cell.height);
if (this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
this.orientation == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
this.layout.setVertexLocation(realCell, positionX, positionY);
this.layout.setVertexLocation(realCell, positionY, positionX);
this.limitX = Math.max(this.limitX, positionX + cell.width);
* Function: processReversedEdge
* Hook to add additional processing
* Parameters:
* edge - the hierarchical model edge
* realEdge - the real edge in the graph
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.processReversedEdge = function(graph, model)
// hook for subclassers
* Class: WeightedCellSorter
* A utility class used to track cells whilst sorting occurs on the weighted
* sum of their connected edges. Does not violate (x.compareTo(y)==0) ==
* (x.equals(y))
* Constructor: WeightedCellSorter
* Constructs a new weighted cell sorted for the given cell and weight.
function WeightedCellSorter(cell, weightedValue)
this.cell = cell;
this.weightedValue = weightedValue;
* Variable: weightedValue
* The weighted value of the cell stored.
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.weightedValue = 0;
* Variable: nudge
* Whether or not to flip equal weight values.
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.nudge = false;
* Variable: visited
* Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.visited = false;
* Variable: rankIndex
* The index this cell is in the model rank.
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.rankIndex = null;
* Variable: cell
* The cell whose median value is being calculated.
WeightedCellSorter.prototype.cell = null;
* Function: compare
* Compares two WeightedCellSorters.
*/ = function(a, b)
if (a != null && b != null)
if (b.weightedValue > a.weightedValue)
return -1;
else if (b.weightedValue < a.weightedValue)
return 1;
if (b.nudge)
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;