WebUI for Apache Airavata

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Apache Airavata is a software framework for executing and managing computational jobs and workflows on distributed computing resources. Airavata is dominantly used to build Web-based science gateways and assist to compose, manage, execute, and monitor large scale applications (wrapped as Web services) and workflows composed of these services.   This project is completed as a part of Google Summer of Code 2013. The goal of the project is to create a GUI similar to XBaya suite (currently in use by Apache Airavata) for workflow composer,execution and monitoring.The purpose of this project is to replace the current UI for workflow execution with HTML, Javascript, CSS3 based UI.

Quick start

Running the source code

On Linux and Mac OS X

  1. Install the dependencies
    • Install Node.JS with NPM, from http://nodejs.org/
    • Install Yeoman using the instructions from http://yeoman.io/
    • In the root folder of the source tree run npm install to install the dependencies related to the build process and the build system.
    • In the root folder of the source tree run bower install to install the front-end dependencies related to the web app.
  2. Running the web-app
    • In the root folder of the source tree, grunt test to run the test suite.
    • In the root folder of the source tree, grunt server to run the webapp.
  • In the root folder of the source tree, grunt build to compile-uglify-minify the source code to the dist folder.

On Windows


