
  1. Apache Aurora
  2. Apache Mesos
  3. Marathon

#Installation: ##Please follow the link to set up Apache Aurora and Apache Mesos

  1. http://mesos.apache.org/gettingstarted/ OR https://open.mesosphere.com/getting-started/install/
  2. http://aurora.apache.org/documentation/latest/operations/installation/


-o = create/kill
-n = name of the job
-r = amount of RAM
-c = CPU count
-d = disk space
-k = name of the task to be killed
-i = executable/image

#Example: To create and launch:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o create -r 1024 -n batik -c 2.0 -d 1000 -i gouravr/dacapo:tag9

To kill:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o kill -n batik

To update:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update -n batik

To retrieve update information:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update-info -n batik

To pause an update:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update-pause -n batik

To list the update progress:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update-list -n batik

To abort an update:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update-abort -n batik

To resume an update:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o update-resume -n batik

To restart a job:

java -jar AuroraMarathonIntegration-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -o restart -n batik