blob: 7d2e5c870e3e40ba8a1cf78e79d8caf2037ca87e [file] [log] [blame]
# ca-signing-policy.conf, see ca-signing-policy.doc for more information
# This is the configuration file describing the policy for what CAs are
# allowed to sign whoses certificates.
# This file is parsed from start to finish with a given CA and subject
# name.
# subject names may include the following wildcard characters:
# * Matches any number of characters.
# ? Matches any single character.
# CA names must be specified (no wildcards). Names containing whitespaces
# must be included in single quotes, e.g. 'Certification Authority'.
# Names must not contain new line symbols.
# The value of condition attribute is represented as a set of regular
# expressions. Each regular expression must be included in double quotes.
# This policy file dictates the following policy:
# -The Globus CA can sign Globus certificates
# Format:
# token type | def.authority | value
# EACL entry #1|
access_id_CA X509 '/C=JP/O=KEK/OU=CRC/CN=KEK GRID Certificate Authority'
pos_rights globus CA:sign
cond_subjects globus '"/C=JP/O=KEK/OU=CRC/*"'
# end of EACL