blob: 7f5c502d477753a929291d6aae8db3311f83bd6b [file] [log] [blame]
/*body {*/
/*background:white url("images/background.jpg");*/
border-radius: 0;
font-family: 'Spectral+SC', cursive;
/* The slider itself */
.slider {
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
width: 100%; /* Full-width */
height: 15px; /* Specified height */
background: #d3d3d3 ; /* Grey background */
outline: none; /* Remove outline */
opacity: 0.7; /* Set transparency (for mouse-over effects on hover) */
-webkit-transition: .2s; /* 0.2 seconds transition on hover */
transition: opacity .2s;
border-radius: 5px;
/* Mouse-over effects */
.slider:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Fully shown on mouse-over */
/* The slider handle (use webkit (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge) and moz (Firefox) to override default look) */
.slider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
-webkit-appearance: none; /* Override default look */
appearance: none;
width: 25px; /* Set a specific slider handle width */
height: 25px; /* Slider handle height */
background: #337ab7 ; /* Green background */
cursor: pointer; /* Cursor on hover */
border-radius: 50%;
.slider::-moz-range-thumb {
width: 25px; /* Set a specific slider handle width */
height: 25px; /* Slider handle height */
background: #337ab7 ; /* Green background */
cursor: pointer; /* Cursor on hover */
border-radius: 50%;