##Apache Airavata Server Properties
- API Server Registry Configuration
- Comment out the derby DB properties
- Change MySQL configurations
- registry.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/airavata_expcatalog (replace ‘localhost’ with correct server name if the DB is in a different server)
- registry.jdbc.user=airavata
- registry.jdbc.password=airavata
- default.registry.gateway=php_reference_gateway (give the gateway name you prefer. Default exists in the file)
- Application Catalog DB Configuration
- Comment out the derby DB properties
- Change MySQL configurations
- Data Catalog DB Configuration
- Comment out the derby DB properties
- Change MySQL configurations
- Workflow Catalog DB Configuration
- Comment out the derby DB properties
- Change MySQL configurations
- Server module Configuration
- Make sure all servers required to start are added as given
- servers=apiserver,orchestrator,gfac,credentialstore
- API Server SSL Configurations
- Give the correct path for key generation file. This is in the bin directtory and it is shipped defualt with Airavata.
- apiserver.keystore=/home/airavata/LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT/bin/airavata.jks
- Credential Store module Configuration
- Add the path to SSH key generation file
- E.g.: credential.store.keystore.url=/home/airavata/LocalAiravata/airavata-sym.jks
- Comment out the derby DB properties
- Change MySQL configurations
- credential.store.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/airavata_credentialstore
- credential.store.jdbc.user=airavatadb
- credential.store.jdbc.password=airavatadb
- credential.store.keystore.url=/home/airavata/production-deployment/airavata_sym.jks
- API Security Configuration - Make sure
- api.secured=false
- TLS.enabled=false
- Monitoring Module Configuration
- Add your email address, username and password for email monitoring. This is the email account the job status change emails will be received from compute resources. email.based.monitor.host=imap.gmail.com email.based.monitor.address=jobs@sample.org email.based.monitor.password=SamplePassword
- Zookeeper Server Configuration
- For ‘Production’ scenario make;
- AMQP Notification Configuration
- Users can use RabbitMQ as ‘Guest’ users. This is the easy method. For this uncomment
- To use as a ‘Production’ user
- Navigate to RabbitMQ bin folder.
- Make sure the RabbitMQ server is running. For production use rabbitmq-server -detached to start.
- Create a virtual-host and user with a password. Follow documentation in RabbitMQ Users & VirtualHost
- To create a user; rabbitmqctl add_user Username Password
- To create a vitrual-host rabbitmqctl add_vhost vhostauthvhost
- Provide permission to created ‘Username’ to the created vhost rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p messaging airavata “.*” “.*” ".*”
- Uncomment rabbitmq.broker.url=amqp://Username:Password@localhost:5672/Vhost. Add the created username, password and Vhost in the URL.
- If you need to stop RabbitMQ use rabbitmqctl stop
- If the RabbitMQ server stopped then the above user creation, vhost creation and permission granting commands need to run again after restarting the servers.