Apache Airavata

  • A distributed framework that supports execution and management of computational scientific applications and workflows in grid based systems, remote clusters and cloud based systems.
  • Primarily focused on submitting and managing application executions and workflows in grid based systems.
  • Architecturally extensible to support other underlying resources.
  • Used by scientific gateway developers as their middleware layer. They can directly call Airavata API in order to communicate with grid based system.
  • Provides a desktop tools and browser-based web interface components for managing applications, workflows and generated data.
  • Contains sophisticated server-side tools for registering and managing scientific applications on computational resources.
  • The Django portal provides tools and methods to easily integrate with post processing applications and application centric interfaces.

For more information on Airavata visit; Apache Airavata

Admin Instructions & Tutorials

Gateway Admin of a deployed SciGaP Gateway? Gateway admin tutorials!Collection of tutorials that will provide instructions for quick set-up.      User Instructions & Tutorials

A Gateway End User?Tutorials for gateway users.
Assistance with job submission, management and sharing!.    Download

A Gateway software developer? Download and install Airavata middleware and Django Gateway Portal.

If you are interested in

  1. Using an already hosted gateway
  2. Having your own gateway hosted
    you can contact a downstream project Science Gateways Platform as a Service (SciGaP) and request your gateway.
    SciGaP runs Apache Airavata as a platform service.