Apache Airavata Update

  1. In order to update Airavata with latest master code; go to the folder (Created in installation; LocalAiravata) initially created to clone Airavata.
  2. Within your local folder navigate to folder ‘airavata’ and execute git pull Hint: If you are in the wrong folder you would probably get message ‘fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git’
  3. Now build the code

Hint: To avoid the ‘tests on install’ run mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true 4. Once the build is success, stop the running Airavata server. You can either stop the java server using

Navigate to bin folder where airavata server exists (LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.15-SNAPSHOT/bin). and stop the server

  1. For references, back up the currently existing release
  1. Copy the new release to your local folder (LocalAiravata)
  1. Un-tar the copied new release
  1. Navigate to the new bin folder and back up airavata-server.properties and gfac-config.yaml files.
  2. Copy your previously used airavata-server.properties from the backed up release to bin folder (This is the easiest way to get the properties file updated. If you prefer, you can change the new file manually. ☺)
  1. Copy your previously used gfac-config.yaml from the backed up release
  1. Now compare with the new airavata-server.properties and gfac-config.yaml and make necessary changes in the copied files. Try diff airavata-server.properties airavata-server.properties-bk
  2. Check the path correctness of credential store keystore in airavata-server.properties file.
  1. Go to lib folder and copy mySQL jar (mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar) from old backed up lib to the new lib
  1. Now restart airavata server in bin folder
  1. Airavata ready for job submissions!
  2. For PGA updating steps try PGA Update.