Gateway Maintenance

Q1. One of my gateway users wants me to investigate his FAILED experiment. How should I proceed?
Answer: To investigate a specific FAILED experiment or failed experiment within a time frame,

  1. Navigate to AdminDashboard ⇒ Experiment Statistics
  2. Search the experiment by using the experiment ID.
  3. Search by providing the creation time period. You can further filter by giving
    - Gateway username
    - Application
    - Compute Resource
  4. You could also use pre-defined selection criteria (‘Get Experiments from Last 24 Hours’ OR ‘Get Experiments from Last Week’)
  5. Once the experiment/s listed click on the ‘Check Stats’
  6. Experiment task breakdown is listed and as the admin you could locate which task failed. Advice the gateway user accordingly.

Q2. One of the resources used by my gateway is not available for the day. How to stop user job submissions?
Answer: To temporarily stop users submitting jobs to a particular resource...

  1. Navigate to AdminDashboard ⇒ Compute Resources (Browse)
  2. Un-check the ‘Enabled’ box for the specific resource. This disables job submissions for the resource
  3. To enable job submission simply check the box and you are back in track!
    NOTE: In order to enable disable resources you require super admin rights to the gateway. If not you need to contact SciGaP admins.

Q3. How to upgrade access for a gateway user?
Answer: User access can be upgraded or downgraded by changing the assigned user role.

  1. Navigate to Admin Dashboard ⇒ Users (Browse)
  2. Search for the specific user and click ‘Check All Roles’
  3. From this you can remove/add roles.
  4. For each modification user will receive an email with ‘Your Privileges has Changed!’

Q4. Gateway users who has role ‘gateway-user’ cannot access experiment creation. Seems like privileges are not accessible.!
Answer: User roles are given through PGA Admin Dashboard. If the roles are set correctly then check pga_config.php

  1. To check the config file use
  1. Roles attached to users should exists in the config file against correct role attribute type

Q5. I have ran out of allocation for my current community account used in gateway for a resource. What should I do?

  1. If you have another community account you could update the information in Admin Dashboard ⇒ Gateway Profile under Compute Resource Preferences.
  2. Select the resource and modify account information and save.
  3. Login to the resource as the new user and update the authorized_keys with the public key assigned to the resource.

Q6. I want to send notices to my gateway users. How?

  1. Navigate to Admin Dashboard⇒Notices
  2. Use ‘Create a New Notice’ button add a new notice.
  3. Based on the published date you provided it will be available for users as a Notice !

Q7. How to open the gateway to any user who create an user account? In the gateway not required to enable/activate user accounts.

  1. Gateway admin can switch between options of opening the gateway to all account creations OR gateway admin to activate accounts after creation.
  2. In order to do open the gateway to all, - If the gateway is hosted by Airavata team, please request from them - If you are hosting the gateway, navigate to vi /var/www/html/airavata-php-gateway/app/config/pga_config.php Then change the initial user role to ‘gateway-user’ /** * Initial user role. This is the initial user role assigned to a new * user. Set this to one of the three roles above to automatically * grant new users that role, or set to some other role (‘user-pending’) * to require admin approval before users have access. */ ‘initial-role-name’ => ‘gateway-user’,