blob: 13224994383ea655325f791cb41a82b3f86e7a3b [file] [log] [blame]
import { errors, services, utils } from "django-airavata-api";
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
const PROMISES = {
workspacePreferences: null,
let groupResourceProfileIdIsSet = false;
let resourceHostIdIsSet = false;
let queueSettingsAreSet = false;
let applicationModuleIdIsSet = false;
// For non-experiment editing case, need to defer compute resource settings
// initialization until each components' settings have been set
const areAllComputeResourceSettingsSet = () =>
groupResourceProfileIdIsSet &&
resourceHostIdIsSet &&
queueSettingsAreSet &&
export const mutations = {
setExperiment(state, { experiment }) {
state.experiment = experiment;
updateExperimentName(state, { name }) {
state.experiment.experimentName = name;
updateExperimentInputValue(state, { inputName, value }) {
const experimentInput = state.experiment.experimentInputs.find(
(i) => === inputName
experimentInput.value = value;
updateProjectId(state, { projectId }) {
state.experiment.projectId = projectId;
updateExperimentGroupResourceProfileId(state, { groupResourceProfileId }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.groupResourceProfileId = groupResourceProfileId;
updateGroupResourceProfileId(state, { groupResourceProfileId }) {
state.groupResourceProfileId = groupResourceProfileId;
groupResourceProfileIdIsSet = true;
updateExperimentResourceHostId(state, { resourceHostId }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.resourceHostId = resourceHostId;
updateResourceHostId(state, { resourceHostId }) {
state.resourceHostId = resourceHostId;
resourceHostIdIsSet = true;
updateExperimentQueueName(state, { queueName }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.queueName = queueName;
updateQueueName(state, { queueName }) {
state.queueName = queueName;
// Assume all queue settings are initialized at once
queueSettingsAreSet = true;
updateExperimentTotalCPUCount(state, { totalCPUCount }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.totalCPUCount = totalCPUCount;
updateExperimentNodeCount(state, { nodeCount }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.nodeCount = nodeCount;
updateExperimentWallTimeLimit(state, { wallTimeLimit }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.wallTimeLimit = wallTimeLimit;
updateExperimentTotalPhysicalMemory(state, { totalPhysicalMemory }) {
state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling.totalPhysicalMemory = totalPhysicalMemory;
updateTotalCPUCount(state, { totalCPUCount }) {
state.totalCPUCount = totalCPUCount;
updateNodeCount(state, { nodeCount }) {
state.nodeCount = nodeCount;
updateWallTimeLimit(state, { wallTimeLimit }) {
state.wallTimeLimit = wallTimeLimit;
updateTotalPhysicalMemory(state, { totalPhysicalMemory }) {
state.totalPhysicalMemory = totalPhysicalMemory;
setProjects(state, { projects }) {
state.projects = projects;
setComputeResourceNames(state, { computeResourceNames }) {
state.computeResourceNames = computeResourceNames;
setGroupResourceProfiles(state, { groupResourceProfiles }) {
state.groupResourceProfiles = groupResourceProfiles;
setWorkspacePreferences(state, { workspacePreferences }) {
state.workspacePreferences = workspacePreferences;
setApplicationModuleId(state, { applicationModuleId }) {
state.applicationModuleId = applicationModuleId;
applicationModuleIdIsSet = true;
setApplicationDeployments(state, { applicationDeployments }) {
state.applicationDeployments = applicationDeployments;
setAppDeploymentQueues(state, { appDeploymentQueues }) {
state.appDeploymentQueues = appDeploymentQueues;
setApplicationInterface(state, { applicationInterface }) {
state.applicationInterface = applicationInterface;
export const actions = {
async loadNewExperiment({ commit, dispatch }, { applicationId }) {
const applicationModule = await services.ApplicationModuleService.retrieve({
lookup: applicationId,
const applicationInterface = await dispatch(
{ applicationModuleId: applicationId }
const experiment = applicationInterface.createExperiment();
const currentDate = new Date().toLocaleString([], {
dateStyle: "medium",
timeStyle: "short",
experiment.experimentName = `${applicationModule.appModuleName} on ${currentDate}`;
commit("setApplicationModuleId", { applicationModuleId: applicationId });
await dispatch("setExperiment", { experiment });
async loadExperiment({ commit, dispatch }, { experimentId }) {
const experiment = await services.ExperimentService.retrieve({
lookup: experimentId,
const applicationInterface = await services.ApplicationInterfaceService.retrieve(
lookup: experiment.executionId,
commit("setApplicationInterface", { applicationInterface });
commit("setApplicationModuleId", {
applicationModuleId: applicationInterface.applicationModuleId,
await dispatch("setExperiment", { experiment });
async setExperiment({ commit, dispatch, state }, { experiment }) {
commit("setExperiment", { experiment });
await dispatch("loadExperimentData");
// Check lazy experiment state properties and apply them
if (state.queueName) {
dispatch("updateQueueName", { queueName: state.queueName });
async loadExperimentData({ commit, dispatch, state }) {
await Promise.all([
if (!state.experiment.projectId) {
commit("updateProjectId", {
projectId: state.workspacePreferences.most_recent_project_id,
// Since experiment is set, all of the compute resource settings are now
// assumed to be initialized so we can do the cross component initialization
async initializeComputeResourceSettings({ dispatch, getters, state }) {
// This method initializes GroupResourceProfile, ApplicationDeployments and
// Queue settings at once since there they are interdependent.
// This method should only be called after groupResourceProfileId,
// resourceHostId, queue settings and applicationModuleId are all set (see
// areAllComputeResourceSettingsSet).
await dispatch("initializeGroupResourceProfile");
// applicationInterface is initialized already when creating/editing an
// experiment but needs to be done explicitly when using other web
// components standalone
await dispatch("initializeApplicationInterface", {
applicationModuleId: state.applicationModuleId,
const groupResourceProfileId = getters.groupResourceProfileId;
// If there is a group resource profile, load additional necessary
// data and re-apply group resource profile
if (groupResourceProfileId) {
await dispatch("loadApplicationDeployments");
await dispatch("loadAppDeploymentQueues");
await dispatch("applyGroupResourceProfile");
async initializeApplicationInterface({ commit }, { applicationModuleId }) {
const applicationInterface = await services.ApplicationModuleService.getApplicationInterface(
lookup: applicationModuleId,
commit("setApplicationInterface", { applicationInterface });
return applicationInterface;
async initializeGroupResourceProfile({ commit, dispatch, getters, state }) {
await dispatch("loadGroupResourceProfiles");
await dispatch("loadWorkspacePreferences");
let result = getters.groupResourceProfileId;
if (
!getters.groupResourceProfileId ||
) {
// Figure out a default value for groupResourceProfileId
if (
) {
result =
} else if (state.groupResourceProfiles.length > 0) {
result = state.groupResourceProfiles[0].groupResourceProfileId;
} else {
result = null;
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentGroupResourceProfileId", {
groupResourceProfileId: result,
} else {
commit("updateGroupResourceProfileId", {
groupResourceProfileId: result,
async initializeGroupResourceProfileId(
{ commit, dispatch, state },
{ groupResourceProfileId }
) {
commit("updateGroupResourceProfileId", {
// only for non-experiment loading case do we call initializeComputeResourceSettings
if (!state.experiment && areAllComputeResourceSettingsSet()) {
updateExperimentName({ commit }, { name }) {
commit("updateExperimentName", { name });
updateExperimentInputValue({ commit }, { inputName, value }) {
commit("updateExperimentInputValue", { inputName, value });
updateProjectId({ commit }, { projectId }) {
commit("updateProjectId", { projectId });
async updateGroupResourceProfileId(
{ commit, dispatch, getters, state },
{ groupResourceProfileId }
) {
const oldValue = getters.groupResourceProfileId;
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentGroupResourceProfileId", {
} else {
commit("updateGroupResourceProfileId", { groupResourceProfileId });
if (groupResourceProfileId && oldValue !== groupResourceProfileId) {
await dispatch("loadApplicationDeployments");
await dispatch("applyGroupResourceProfile");
async updateComputeResourceHostId(
{ commit, dispatch, getters, state },
{ resourceHostId }
) {
if (getters.resourceHostId !== resourceHostId) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentResourceHostId", { resourceHostId });
} else {
commit("updateResourceHostId", { resourceHostId });
await dispatch("loadAppDeploymentQueues");
await dispatch("setDefaultQueue");
async initializeQueueSettings(
{ commit, dispatch, state },
{ queueName, nodeCount, totalCPUCount, wallTimeLimit, totalPhysicalMemory }
) {
commit("updateQueueName", { queueName });
commit("updateNodeCount", { nodeCount });
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount });
commit("updateWallTimeLimit", { wallTimeLimit });
commit("updateTotalPhysicalMemory", { totalPhysicalMemory });
// only for non-experiment loading case do we call initializeComputeResourceSettings
if (!state.experiment && areAllComputeResourceSettingsSet()) {
updateQueueName({ commit, dispatch, state }, { queueName }) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentQueueName", { queueName });
} else {
commit("updateQueueName", { queueName });
{ commit, getters, state },
{ totalCPUCount, enableNodeCountToCpuCheck }
) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount });
} else {
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount });
if (enableNodeCountToCpuCheck && getters.queue.cpuPerNode > 0) {
const totalCPUCountInt = parseInt(totalCPUCount);
const nodeCount = Math.min(
Math.ceil(totalCPUCountInt / getters.queue.cpuPerNode),
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentNodeCount", { nodeCount });
} else {
commit("updateNodeCount", { nodeCount });
{ commit, getters, state },
{ nodeCount, enableNodeCountToCpuCheck }
) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentNodeCount", { nodeCount });
} else {
commit("updateNodeCount", { nodeCount });
if (enableNodeCountToCpuCheck && getters.queue.cpuPerNode > 0) {
const nodeCountInt = parseInt(nodeCount);
const totalCPUCount = Math.min(
nodeCountInt * getters.queue.cpuPerNode,
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount });
} else {
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount });
updateWallTimeLimit({ commit, state }, { wallTimeLimit }) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentWallTimeLimit", { wallTimeLimit });
} else {
commit("updateWallTimeLimit", { wallTimeLimit });
updateTotalPhysicalMemory({ commit, state }, { totalPhysicalMemory }) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentTotalPhysicalMemory", { totalPhysicalMemory });
} else {
commit("updateTotalPhysicalMemory", { totalPhysicalMemory });
async loadApplicationDeployments({ commit, getters, state }) {
const applicationDeployments = await services.ApplicationDeploymentService.list(
appModuleId: state.applicationModuleId,
groupResourceProfileId: getters.groupResourceProfileId,
{ ignoreErrors: true }
.catch((error) => {
// Ignore unauthorized errors, force user to pick another GroupResourceProfile
if (!errors.ErrorUtils.isUnauthorizedError(error)) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return Promise.resolve([]);
// Report all other error types
commit("setApplicationDeployments", { applicationDeployments });
async applyGroupResourceProfile({ dispatch, getters }) {
// Make sure that resource host id is in the list of app deployments
const computeResourceChanged = await dispatch("initializeResourceHostId");
if (computeResourceChanged) {
await dispatch("loadAppDeploymentQueues");
await dispatch("setDefaultQueue");
} else if (!getters.queue) {
// allowed queues may have changed. If selected queue isn't in the list
// of allowed queues, reset to the default
await dispatch("setDefaultQueue");
} else {
// reapply batchQueueResourcePolicy maximums since they may have changed
async initializeComputeResources(
{ commit, dispatch, state },
{ applicationModuleId, resourceHostId = null }
) {
commit("setApplicationModuleId", { applicationModuleId });
commit("updateResourceHostId", {
// only for non-experiment loading case do we call initializeComputeResourceSettings
if (!state.experiment && areAllComputeResourceSettingsSet()) {
async initializeResourceHostId({ commit, dispatch, getters, state }) {
// if there isn't a selected compute resource or there is but it isn't in
// the list of app deployments, set a default one
// Returns true if the resourceHostId changed
if (
!getters.resourceHostId ||
!getters.computeResources.find((crid) => crid === getters.resourceHostId)
) {
const defaultResourceHostId = await dispatch("getDefaultResourceHostId");
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentResourceHostId", {
resourceHostId: defaultResourceHostId,
} else {
commit("updateResourceHostId", {
resourceHostId: defaultResourceHostId,
return true;
return false;
async getDefaultResourceHostId({ dispatch, getters }) {
await dispatch("loadDefaultComputeResourceId");
if (
getters.defaultComputeResourceId &&
(crid) => crid === getters.defaultComputeResourceId
) {
return getters.defaultComputeResourceId;
} else if (getters.computeResources.length > 0) {
// Just pick the first one
return getters.computeResources[0];
} else {
return null;
async loadDefaultComputeResourceId({ dispatch }) {
await dispatch("loadWorkspacePreferences");
async loadAppDeploymentQueues({ commit, getters }) {
const applicationDeployment = getters.applicationDeployment;
if (applicationDeployment) {
const appDeploymentQueues = await services.ApplicationDeploymentService.getQueues(
lookup: applicationDeployment.appDeploymentId,
commit("setAppDeploymentQueues", { appDeploymentQueues });
} else {
commit("setAppDeploymentQueues", { appDeploymentQueues: [] });
async setDefaultQueue({ dispatch, getters }) {
// set to the default queue or the first one
const defaultQueue = getters.defaultQueue;
if (defaultQueue) {
dispatch("updateQueueName", { queueName: defaultQueue.queueName });
} else {
dispatch("updateQueueName", { queueName: null });
initializeQueue({ commit, getters, state }) {
const queue = getters.queue;
if (queue) {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentTotalCPUCount", {
totalCPUCount: getters.getDefaultCPUCount(queue),
commit("updateExperimentNodeCount", {
nodeCount: getters.getDefaultNodeCount(queue),
commit("updateExperimentWallTimeLimit", {
wallTimeLimit: getters.getDefaultWalltime(queue),
commit("updateExperimentTotalPhysicalMemory", {
totalPhysicalMemory: 0,
} else {
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", {
totalCPUCount: getters.getDefaultCPUCount(queue),
commit("updateNodeCount", {
nodeCount: getters.getDefaultNodeCount(queue),
commit("updateWallTimeLimit", {
wallTimeLimit: getters.getDefaultWalltime(queue),
commit("updateTotalPhysicalMemory", { totalPhysicalMemory: 0 });
} else {
if (state.experiment) {
commit("updateExperimentTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount: 0 });
commit("updateExperimentNodeCount", { nodeCount: 0 });
commit("updateExperimentWallTimeLimit", { wallTimeLimit: 0 });
commit("updateExperimentTotalPhysicalMemory", {
totalPhysicalMemory: 0,
} else {
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", { totalCPUCount: 0 });
commit("updateNodeCount", { nodeCount: 0 });
commit("updateWallTimeLimit", { wallTimeLimit: 0 });
commit("updateTotalPhysicalMemory", { totalPhysicalMemory: 0 });
applyBatchQueueResourcePolicy({ commit, getters }) {
if (getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
const crs =
const totalCPUCount = Math.min(
if (totalCPUCount !== crs.totalCPUCount) {
commit("updateTotalCPUCount", {
const nodeCount = Math.min(
if (nodeCount !== crs.nodeCount) {
commit("updateNodeCount", {
const wallTimeLimit = Math.min(
if (wallTimeLimit !== crs.wallTimeLimit) {
commit("updateWallTimeLimit", {
async saveExperiment({ commit, getters }) {
if (getters.experiment.experimentId) {
const experiment = await services.ExperimentService.update({
data: getters.experiment,
lookup: getters.experiment.experimentId,
commit("setExperiment", { experiment });
} else {
const experiment = await services.ExperimentService.create({
data: getters.experiment,
commit("setExperiment", { experiment });
async launchExperiment({ getters }) {
await services.ExperimentService.launch({
lookup: getters.experiment.experimentId,
async loadProjects({ commit }) {
if (!PROMISES.projects) {
PROMISES.projects = services.ProjectService.listAll();
const projects = await PROMISES.projects;
commit("setProjects", { projects });
async loadWorkspacePreferences({ commit }) {
if (!PROMISES.workspacePreferences) {
PROMISES.workspacePreferences = services.WorkspacePreferencesService.get();
const workspacePreferences = await PROMISES.workspacePreferences;
commit("setWorkspacePreferences", { workspacePreferences });
async loadDefaultProjectId({ dispatch }) {
await dispatch("loadWorkspacePreferences");
async loadComputeResourceNames({ commit }) {
const computeResourceNames = await services.ComputeResourceService.names();
commit("setComputeResourceNames", { computeResourceNames });
async loadDefaultGroupResourceProfileId({ dispatch }) {
await dispatch("loadWorkspacePreferences");
async loadGroupResourceProfiles({ commit }) {
if (!PROMISES.groupResourceProfiles) {
PROMISES.groupResourceProfiles = services.GroupResourceProfileService.list();
const groupResourceProfiles = await PROMISES.groupResourceProfiles;
commit("setGroupResourceProfiles", { groupResourceProfiles });
export const getters = {
getExperimentInputByName: (state) => (name) => {
if (!state.experiment) {
return null;
const experimentInputs = state.experiment.experimentInputs;
if (experimentInputs) {
for (const experimentInput of experimentInputs) {
if ( === name) {
return experimentInput;
return null;
experiment: (state) => state.experiment,
projects: (state) => state.projects,
defaultProjectId: (state) =>
? state.workspacePreferences.most_recent_project_id
: null,
defaultGroupResourceProfileId: (state) =>
? state.workspacePreferences.most_recent_group_resource_profile_id
: null,
defaultComputeResourceId: (state) =>
? state.workspacePreferences.most_recent_compute_resource_id
: null,
computeResourceNames: (state) => state.computeResourceNames,
groupResourceProfiles: (state) => state.groupResourceProfiles,
groupResourceProfileId: (state) =>
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.groupResourceProfileId
: state.groupResourceProfileId,
findGroupResourceProfile: (state) => (groupResourceProfileId) =>
? state.groupResourceProfiles.find(
(g) => g.groupResourceProfileId === groupResourceProfileId
: null,
groupResourceProfile: (state, getters) =>
resourceHostId: (state) =>
state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.resourceHostId,
computeResources: (state) => => dep.computeHostId),
applicationDeployment: (state, getters) => {
if (state.applicationDeployments && getters.resourceHostId) {
return state.applicationDeployments.find(
(ad) => ad.computeHostId === getters.resourceHostId
} else {
return null;
isQueueInComputeResourcePolicy: (state, getters) => (queueName) => {
if (!getters.computeResourcePolicy) {
return true;
return getters.computeResourcePolicy.allowedBatchQueues.includes(queueName);
queues: (state, getters) => {
return state.appDeploymentQueues
? state.appDeploymentQueues.filter((q) =>
: [];
defaultQueue: (state, getters) => {
const defaultQueue = getters.queues.find((q) => q.isDefaultQueue);
if (defaultQueue) {
return defaultQueue;
} else if (getters.queues.length > 0) {
return getters.queues[0];
} else {
return null;
queueName: (state) => {
return state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.queueName;
totalCPUCount: (state) => {
return state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.totalCPUCount;
nodeCount: (state) => {
return state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.nodeCount;
wallTimeLimit: (state) => {
return state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.wallTimeLimit;
totalPhysicalMemory: (state) => {
return state.experiment &&
state.experiment.userConfigurationData &&
? state.experiment.userConfigurationData.computationalResourceScheduling
: state.totalPhysicalMemory;
queue: (state, getters) => {
return getters.queues && getters.queueName
? getters.queues.find((q) => q.queueName === getters.queueName)
: null;
getDefaultCPUCount: (state, getters) => (queue) => {
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return queue.defaultCPUCount;
getDefaultNodeCount: (state, getters) => (queue) => {
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return queue.defaultNodeCount;
getDefaultWalltime: (state, getters) => (queue) => {
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return queue.defaultWalltime;
computeResourcePolicy: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.groupResourceProfile || !getters.resourceHostId) {
return null;
return getters.groupResourceProfile.computeResourcePolicies.find(
(crp) => crp.computeResourceId === getters.resourceHostId
batchQueueResourcePolicies: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.groupResourceProfile || !getters.resourceHostId) {
return null;
return getters.groupResourceProfile.batchQueueResourcePolicies.filter(
(bqrp) => bqrp.computeResourceId === getters.resourceHostId
batchQueueResourcePolicy: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.batchQueueResourcePolicies || !getters.queueName) {
return null;
return getters.batchQueueResourcePolicies.find(
(bqrp) => bqrp.queuename === getters.queueName
maxAllowedCores: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.queue) {
return 0;
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return getters.queue.maxProcessors;
maxAllowedNodes: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.queue) {
return 0;
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return getters.queue.maxNodes;
maxAllowedWalltime: (state, getters) => {
if (!getters.queue) {
return 0;
const batchQueueResourcePolicy = getters.batchQueueResourcePolicy;
if (batchQueueResourcePolicy) {
return Math.min(
return getters.queue.maxRunTime;
maxMemory: (state, getters) => {
return getters.queue ? getters.queue.maxMemory : 0;
showQueueSettings: (state) =>
? state.applicationInterface.showQueueSettings
: false,
export default new Vuex.Store({
strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",
state: {
experiment: null,
projects: null,
computeResourceNames: {},
applicationDeployments: [],
groupResourceProfiles: null,
applicationModuleId: null,
appDeploymentQueues: [],
workspacePreferences: null,
// These state variables are to enable using UI components outside of a
// normal experiment editing context
queueName: null,
nodeCount: null,
totalCPUCount: null,
wallTimeLimit: null,
totalPhysicalMemory: null,
groupResourceProfileId: null,
resourceHostId: null,
applicationInterface: null,