Creating a Wagtail Export

You can create an initial set of Wagtail pages with theming and images and then export them for loading into another Django portal instance. These can be used to create starter themes or to fully develop a themed set of pages for an Airavata Django Portal.

These steps document how to create one of these exports locally.

Getting Started

  1. Clone and setup the Airavata Django Portal locally. Follow the instructions in the
  2. Edit your django_airavata/ file and add the following at the bottom:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend']
    # Wagtail related middleware

This allows you to log in locally, without needing to setup Keycloak or have an Airavata backend running.

  1. Make sure your virtual environment is activated if not already.
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Create a superuser account. You'll use this to log into wagtail and edit pages:
python createsuperuser
  1. (Optional) To start from an existing Wagtail export, run python load_cms_data FILENAME, where FILENAME is the name of one of the Wagtail exports in fixtures directory. For example, you can run
python load_cms_data default.json
  1. Start the Django server and log in at http://localhost:8000/cms
python runserver

Creating the Wagtail export

Once you have the pages just the way you want them, you can now export them.

  1. Make sure your virtual environment is activated if not already.
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Run the following to export the Wagtail settings into a JSON file in the fixtures directory:
python dumpdata --natural-foreign --exclude auth.permission \
  --exclude contenttypes --indent 4 > django_airavata/wagtailapps/base/fixtures/myexport.json

Where you can change myexport to whatever you want to meaningfully name the export file.

  1. Commit any media files that were added as part of creating the Wagtail pages.

Resetting your local environment

  1. To start over, first remove (or rename) the database.

!!! warning

db.sqlite3 stores all of the Wagtail changes you have made. Only remove
this if you have already exported the wagtail changes to a file. See the
previous section.
rm db.sqlite3
  1. Make sure your virtual environment is activated if not already.
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Migrate the database:
python migrate
  1. Create a superuser account. You'll use this to log into wagtail and edit pages:
python createsuperuser
  1. (Optional) To start from an existing Wagtail export, run python load_cms_data FILENAME, where FILENAME is the name of one of the Wagtail exports in fixtures directory. For example, you can run
python load_cms_data default.json
  1. Start the Django server and log in at http://localhost:8000/cms
python runserver

Importing a Wagtail export

You can import a Wagtail export by running the following command on a newly created Django instance.

  1. Make sure your virtual environment is activated if not already.
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Run
python load_cms_data myexport.json

where myexport.json should match the name that you gave the file when exporting it.

Replacing a Wagtail import with a different export

Use this when you have already loaded a Wagtail export into a Django instance and you need to load a different one to overwrite the first one. The following steps will first remove the Wagtail tables and then load the export like normal.

  1. Make sure your virtual environment is activated if not already.
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Run the following to delete all wagtail tables
python migrate wagtailimages 0001
python migrate wagtailimages zero
python migrate taggit zero
python migrate wagtailadmin zero
python migrate wagtailcore zero
python migrate wagtailusers zero
python migrate wagtailembeds zero
  1. Migrate the database:
python migrate
  1. Run
python load_cms_data myexport.json

where myexport.json should match the name that you gave the file when exporting it.