Queue Settings Calculator

A Queue Settings Calculator is a Python function that computes the queue settings for an experiment. The function takes an instance of an experiment and returns:

  • queue name
  • core count
  • node count
  • walltime limit

The Airavata Django Portal then uses these values to populate the Queue Settings fields when users are creating/editing experiments. This can greatly simplify experiment configuration for users and also lead to a better use of resources.

Getting started

To add a Queue Settings Calculator function, you first will need a custom Django App. See the Custom Django App notes for how to create one.

Next, add a queue_settings_calculators.py file to your custom Django app package if it doesn't already exist. You should add this file to the same folder that contains the apps.py file.

In this file, you‘ll need to import the @queue_settings_calculators decorator. You’ll use this to mark the queue settings calculator functions (you can define more than one).

from airavata.model.experiment.ttypes import ExperimentModel
from airavata_django_portal_sdk.decorators import queue_settings_calculator

    id="gateway_name-queue-settings-for-my-app", name="My Gateway: Queue Settings for My App"
def my_queue_settings_calculator(request, experiment_model: ExperimentModel):
    # See https://airavata.apache.org/api-docs/master/experiment_model.html#Struct_ExperimentModel for ExperimentModel fields

    total_core_count = 4
    queue_name = "shared"
    node_count = 1
    walltime_limit = 30

    # Return a dictionary with the queue settings values
    result = {}
    result["totalCPUCount"] = total_core_count
    result["queueName"] = queue_name
    result["nodeCount"] = node_count
    result["wallTimeLimit"] = walltime_limit
    return result

The id and name that are passed to the @queue_settings_calculator decorator are optional but highly recommended. The id will be used internally to associate applications with this function. Set the id to something that is unique to your gateway. The name is the value that will be displayed in the Settings UI for selecting this queue settings calculator.

The queue settings calculator function is passed the Django request object and the experiment_model, an ExperimentModel instance.

Primarily your function will inspect the experiment_model to determine the appropriate queue settings. For example you might look at one of the experiment's input files to determine how many cores are optimal for the job.

Next, add the following import line to the ready() function of your apps.py AppConfig class. It will look something like this although the names of your AppConfig class and packages will be different:

class CustomDjangoAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'custom_django_app'
    label = name
    verbose_name = "Custom Django App"
    fa_icon_class = "fa-comment"
    url_home = "custom_django_app:hello_world"

    def ready(self) -> None:
        from custom_django_app import queue_settings_calculators  # noqa

Add the ready(self) function to your AppConfig if it is missing. Then add an import of your queue_settings_calculators module. Importing the module will register the calculator functions at startup time.

Configuring an application's queue settings calculator

To have one of your applications use your queue settings calculator, first make sure to install the custom Django app in your portal instance. Then, go to Settings > Application Catalog and click on your application. Select the Interface tab. Under Queue Settings Calculator, select your queue settings calculator from the drop down. It should be listed with the name that you gave to it in your function's decorator (@queue_settings_calculator(id='...', name='...')).

When an application is configured to use a queue settings calculator, the Queue Settings UI in the Create/Edit Experiment views is disabled and made read only.
