
tusd is the reference implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol. The Airavata Django Portal integrates with tus to provide better support for large file uploads. Installing tusd and integrating with the Airavata Django Portal is entirely optional but is highly recommended if your users will be uploading files larger than, say, 1 GB.

Installation Notes

!!! note

Version 1.0 of tusd introduces some breaking changes. The Airavata Django
Portal has been tested with version 0.13 of tusd.

Install version 0.13.3 of tusd from the GitHub releases page.

How you install tusd is up to you, but here are some notes on a specific way to deploy it.

Reverse proxy behind Apache httpd

Create a virtual host config file, for example in /etc/httpd/conf.d/tus.conf. (Actual location of config files is OS dependent.)

Contents of tus.conf:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName tus.domainname.org
    SSLEngine on

    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/tus.domainname.org/fullchain.pem
    SSLCertificateFile    /etc/letsencrypt/live/tus.domainname.org/cert.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/tus.domainname.org/privkey.pem

    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
    ProxyPreserveHost on

    ProxyPass /files http://localhost:10080/files
    ProxyPassReverse /files http://localhost:10080/files

Note this example assumes that the tus server willl be proxied behind an SSL connection and specifically that the SSL certificate will be generated with Let's Encrypt.

With this configuration the TUS_ENDPOINT will be https://tus.domainname.org/files/

Systemd unit file

Add the following tus.service file to /etc/systemd/system/.


ExecStart=/home/PORTALUSER/tusd_linux_amd64/tusd -dir /path/to/tus-temp-dir -port 10080 -behind-proxy


Replace PORTALUSER with the username of the user under which the Django portal runs.

With this configuration, the TUS_DATA_DIR will be /path/to/tus-temp-dir

settings_local.py configuration

Uncomment and set the following settings in settings_local.py, assuming you created the settings_local.py file by first copying settings_local.py.sample.

  • TUS_ENDPOINT - this should be the tus url. Keeping with the example above this would be https://tus.domainname.org/files/
  • TUS_DATA_DIR - this is the directory where tus upload files and metadata will be stored. This settings assumes that tusd the tus server used and so it assumes that file naming conventions will follow the tusd implementation.