blob: 6f83b5871d0f7597d2040bf6a75f93df0f9cb462 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from airavata_custos.utils import iamadmin_client_pool
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def is_username_available(authz_token, username):
This method validates if the username is available or not
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username whose availability needs to be verified
:return: boolean
return iamadmin_client_pool.isUsernameAvailable(authz_token, username)
def register_user(authz_token, username, email_address, first_name, last_name, password):
This method registers the user with the keycloak instance returns true if successful, false if the registration fails
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username of the user that needs to be registered
:param email_address: The email address of the user that needs to be registered
:param first_name: The first name of the user that needs to be registered
:param last_name: The last name of the user that needs to be registered
:param password: The password of the user that needs to be registered
:return: boolean
return iamadmin_client_pool.registerUser(
def is_user_enabled(authz_token, username):
Checks the user is enabled/disabled in keycloak. Only the enabled user can login
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username of the user
:return: boolean
return iamadmin_client_pool.isUserEnabled(authz_token, username)
def enable_user(authz_token, username):
The method to enable a disabled user
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username of the user
:return: Object of UserProfile class, containing user details
return iamadmin_client_pool.enableUser(authz_token, username)
def delete_user(authz_token, username):
This method deleted the user from keycloak. Returns true if delete is successful
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username of the user
:return: boolean
return iamadmin_client_pool.deleteUser(authz_token, username)
def is_user_exist(authz_token, username):
This method checks if the user exists in keycloak. Returns true if the user exists otherwise returns false
:param authz_token: Object of AuthzToken class containing access token, username, gatewayId of the active user
:param username: The username of the user
:return: boolean
return iamadmin_client_pool.isUserExist(authz_token, username)
def get_user(authz_token, username):
:param authz_token:
:param username:
return iamadmin_client_pool.getUser(authz_token, username)
def get_users(authz_token, offset, limit, search=None):
:param authz_token:
:param offset:
:param limit:
:param search:
return iamadmin_client_pool.getUsers(authz_token, offset, limit, search)
def reset_user_password(authz_token, username, new_password):
:param authz_token:
:param username:
:param new_password:
return iamadmin_client_pool.resetUserPassword(
authz_token, username, new_password)
def set_up_tenant(authz_token, gateway, tenantAdminPasswordCredentials):