layout: default_md title: What platforms does ActiveMQ support title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5

 FAQ > General > What platforms does ActiveMQ support

What platforms does ActiveMQ Support?

ActiveMQ 5.0-5.7 supports any Java platform of Java 5.0 or later. To run on 1.4 see these instructions. ActiveMQ 5.8-5.10 require Java 6 or higher and the releases from 5.11 onwards require Java 7 or later. 

ActiveMQ is based on J2EE 1.4 or later and so implements JMS 1.1 and a JCA 1.5 Resource Adaptor.

We regularly test ActiveMQ on Windows, OS X, Linux though we're aware of folks who use AIX and Solaris too.

See Also