layout: default_md title: Title title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5


You can use the ruby examples included in the distribution to verify that the broker is operating correctly.

If you have not already done so, install the stomp Ruby gem.

gem install stomp

Change to the examples/stomp/ruby directory that was included in the Apollo distribution. Then in a terminal window, run:

Unix/Linux/OS X

cd ${APOLLO_HOME}/examples/stomp/ruby
ruby listener.rb


cd %APOLLO_HOME%\examples\stomp\ruby
ruby listener.rb

Then in a separate terminal window, run:

Unix/Linux/OS X

cd ${APOLLO_HOME}/examples/stomp/ruby
ruby publisher.rb


cd %APOLLO_HOME%\examples\stomp\ruby
ruby publisher.rb

If everything is working well, the publisher should produce output similar to:

Sent 1000 messages
Sent 1000 messages

The consumer's output should look like:

Received 1000 messages.
Received 2000 messages.