layout: default_md title: Apollo 1.7.1 Management API title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5

    /\* <![CDATA[ */ table.reference tr th { text-align:left; } tr.even { background-color: #eee; } table.reference tr td { text-align:left; padding: .4em; vertical-align:top; font-size:90%; } table.reference tr td p { margin: 0 0 .5em 0; } td.methods { font-weight:bold; } /* ]]> */  

Apollo 1.7.1 Management API


Apollo's REST API runs on port 61680 or via SSL on port 61681. If your running an Apollo broker on your local machine, you could access the API at the following HTTP URLs:


For all of the rest of this document, we will be leaving off that part, since it is the same for every API call.


The broker requires all requests against the management API to supply user credentials which have administration privileges.

The user credentials can be supplied using via HTTP basic authentication. Example:

$ curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker

JSON Representation

The API routes are intended to be access programmatically as JSON services but they also provide an HTML representation so that the API services can easily be browsed using a standard web browser.

You must either set the HTTP Accept header to application/json or append .json to the URL to get the JSON representation of the data. Example:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -u "admin:password" \

$ curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker.json

Response Codes

You can use the HTTP response code to determine if your request succeeded or failed. Expect the following:

  • 200: If a GET, PUT, or DELETE request succeeds.
  • 303: If a POST request succeeds.
  • 304: If the resource cannot be modified at the current time.
  • 400: The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
  • 404: If the resource cannot be found.
  • 401: If the user does not have access to the resource.
  • 50x: If an internal server error occurs while processing the request.

If your get a 40x or 50x response code, the response message will contain a document describing the failure. For example, if we try to use invalid query syntax you would get:

$ curl -i -u "admin:password" `echo 'http://localhost:61680/broker/virtual-hosts/apollo-01/queues.json?f=id&q=foo(id=="foo")'`
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

{"message":"Unable to find function (method): \"foo(java.lang.Boolean)\" in any user-defined function handlers or the default function handler"}

Working with Tabular Results

Many of the resource routes provided by the broker implement a selectable paged tabular interface. A good example of such a resource route is the connections list. It's route is:



$ curl -u "admin:password" \

Results in a Data Page :

      "waiting_on":"client request",
      "waiting_on":"blocked sending to:$$anon$1@13765e9b",

The * header field means the record was selected. To narrow down the selected fields you can add multiple f query parameters to pick the fields you want to retrieve.


$ curl -u "admin:password" \

Results in :


If you want to narrow down the records which get selected, you can set a q query parameter to SQL 92 style where clause which uses the record's fields to filter down the selected records.

For example to only view local connection, you would want to use a where clause like remote_address LIKE "/" which to execute with curl you would run:

curl -u "admin:password" \

The records are paged. The default page size is 100, so only the first 100 records will be displayed. If you want to view subsequent results, you must set the p query parameter to the page you wish to access. You can change the page size by setting the ps query parameter.

The results are typically return in the order in which the records were original created. If you want to retrieve them in a different order, use the o query parameter to define the order in which they are returned. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" \

Route Reference

Broker Management


On Success




Shuts down the JVM.



200 [BrokerStatusDTO](

General information about the broker, JVM, and OS status. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker.json

  "id": "default",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314573353753,
  "version": "1.7.1",
  "jvm_metrics": {
    "heap_memory": {
      "used": 22165160,
      "alloc": 162201600,
      "max": 954466304
    "non_heap_memory": {
      "used": 44522128,
      "alloc": 45944832,
      "max": 136314880
    "classes_loaded": 5776,
    "classes_unloaded": 0,
    "threads_current": 21,
    "threads_peak": 22,
    "os_arch": "x86_64",
    "os_name": "Mac OS X 10.7",
    "os_memory_total": 8589934592,
    "os_memory_free": 3339231232,
    "os_swap_total": 0,
    "os_swap_free": 2147483648,
    "os_fd_open": 111,
    "os_fd_max": 10240,
    "os_load_average": 0.99267578125,
    "os_cpu_time": 5630000000,
    "os_processors": 4,
    "runtime_name": "86739@chirino-mbp.local",
    "jvm_name": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_26 (Apple Inc.)",
    "uptime": 37761,
    "start_time": 1314573351000
  "current_time": 1314573388707,
  "virtual_hosts": ["default"],
  "connectors": ["tls", "tcp"],
  "connection_counter": 0

You can the ?connections=true query parameter to have a list of connections included n the result.



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the queue destinations. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/queue-metrics.json

  "current_time": 1314573698381,
  "enqueue_item_counter": 57343,
  "enqueue_size_counter": 63128582,
  "enqueue_ts": 1314573698478,
  "dequeue_item_counter": 55121,
  "dequeue_size_counter": 60681503,
  "dequeue_ts": 1314573698478,
  "producer_counter": 22,
  "consumer_counter": 16,
  "producer_count": 22,
  "consumer_count": 16,
  "expired_item_counter": 0,
  "expired_size_counter": 0,
  "expired_ts": 1314573695015,
  "nack_item_counter": 0,
  "nack_size_counter": 0,
  "nack_ts": 1314573695015,
  "queue_size": 2447079,
  "queue_items": 2222,
  "swapped_in_size_max": 5963776,
  "swapped_in_size": 5278341,
  "swapped_in_items": 4794,
  "swapping_in_size": 0,
  "swapping_out_size": 0,
  "swap_out_item_counter": 60,
  "swap_out_size_counter": 65931,
  "swap_in_item_counter": 60,
  "swap_in_size_counter": 65931,
  "objects": 10



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the topic destinations



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the durable subscription destinations



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the destinations

Virtual Host Management


On Success



`200 DataPageDTO paging VirtualHostStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all the virtual hosts.



200 [VirtualHostStatusDTO](

General details about the {host} virtual host. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/virtual-hosts/default.json

  "id": "default",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314573798989,
  "topics": [],
  "queues": ["example-4", "example-7", "example-6", "example-0", 
             "example-3", "example-8", "example-1", "example-5", 
             "example-9", "example-2"],
  "dsubs": [],
  "store": true,
  "host_names": ["default", "localhost", ""]



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the queue destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the topic destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the durable subscription destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [AggregateDestMetricsDTO](

Aggregates the messaging metrics for all the destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [StoreStatusDTO]( sub class (depends on the store implementation)

Gets metrics about the status of the message store used by the {host} virtual host. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/virtual-hosts/default/store.json

  "@class": "bdb_store_status",
  "id": "bdb store at /Users/chirino/opt/default/data",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314573798939,
  "canceled_message_counter": 0,
  "flushed_message_counter": 581034,
  "canceled_enqueue_counter": 0,
  "flushed_enqueue_counter": 581034,
  "message_load_latency": {
    "count": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "min": 0
  "flush_latency": {
    "count": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "min": 0
  "pending_stores": 0,
  "message_load_batch_size": {
    "count": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "max": -2147483648,
    "min": 2147483647



`200 DataPageDTO paging QueueStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all queue destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [QueueStatusDTO](

Gets metrics and details about the {dest} queue on the {host} virtual host. Example:

You can the ?producers=true query parameter to have a list of producers included n the result. You can the ?consumers=true query parameter to have a list of consumers included n the result.

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/virtual-hosts/default/queues/example-5.json?producers=true&consumers=true

  "id": "example-5",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314573814532,
  "config": {
    "other": []
  "binding": {
    "@class": "queue_destination",
    "path": ["example-5"]
  "metrics": {
    "current_time": 1314574273342,
    "enqueue_item_counter": 878638,
    "enqueue_size_counter": 975430031,
    "enqueue_ts": 1314574273335,
    "dequeue_item_counter": 878522,
    "dequeue_size_counter": 975301271,
    "dequeue_ts": 1314574273328,
    "producer_counter": 4,
    "consumer_counter": 4,
    "producer_count": 2,
    "consumer_count": 2,
    "expired_item_counter": 0,
    "expired_size_counter": 0,
    "expired_ts": 1314573814488,
    "nack_item_counter": 118,
    "nack_size_counter": 131098,
    "nack_ts": 1314573928240,
    "queue_size": 128760,
    "queue_items": 116,
    "swapped_in_size_max": 688128,
    "swapped_in_size": 688200,
    "swapped_in_items": 620,
    "swapping_in_size": 0,
    "swapping_out_size": 0,
    "swap_out_item_counter": 605,
    "swap_out_size_counter": 671279,
    "swap_in_item_counter": 605,
    "swap_in_size_counter": 671279
  "entries": [],
  "producers": [{
        "kind": "connection",
        "id": "43",
        "label": "/",
        "enqueue_item_counter": 12168,
        "enqueue_size_counter": 13495374,
        "enqueue_ts": 1314574273328
        "kind": "connection",
        "id": "76",
        "label": "/",
        "enqueue_item_counter": 13663,
        "enqueue_size_counter": 15154824,
        "enqueue_ts": 1314574273336
  "consumers": [{
        "kind": "connection",
        "id": "65",
        "label": "/",
        "enqueue_item_counter": 12678,
        "enqueue_size_counter": 14060805,
        "enqueue_ts": 1314574273248,
        "position": 878615,
        "acquired_count": 60,
        "acquired_size": 66600,
        "total_ack_count": 12618,
        "total_nack_count": 0,
        "waiting_on": "ack"
        "kind": "connection",
        "id": "75",
        "label": "/",
        "enqueue_item_counter": 13397,
        "enqueue_size_counter": 14860500,
        "enqueue_ts": 1314574273248,
        "position": 878639,
        "acquired_count": 56,
        "acquired_size": 62160,
        "total_ack_count": 13341,
        "total_nack_count": 0,
        "waiting_on": "producer"




Deletes the {dest} queue on the {host} virtual host.




Creates the {dest} queue on the {host} virtual host.



`200 DataPageDTO paging TopicStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all topic destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [TopicStatusDTO](

Gets metrics and details about the {dest} topic on the {host} virtual host. Example:

You can the ?producers=true query parameter to have a list of producers included n the result. You can the ?consumers=true query parameter to have a list of consumers included n the result.

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/virtual-hosts/default/topics/example-2.json?producers=true&consumers=true

  "id": "example-2",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314574398831,
  "config": {
    "other": []
  "producers": [{
    "kind": "connection",
    "id": "78",
    "label": "/",
    "enqueue_item_counter": 1133674,
    "enqueue_size_counter": 1259289609,
    "enqueue_ts": 1314574422110
  "consumers": [{
    "kind": "connection",
    "id": "86",
    "label": "/",
    "enqueue_item_counter": 566836,
    "enqueue_size_counter": 629643696,
    "enqueue_ts": 1314574422110
    "kind": "connection",
    "id": "82",
    "label": "/",
    "enqueue_item_counter": 566838,
    "enqueue_size_counter": 629645913,
    "enqueue_ts": 1314574422110
  "dsubs": [],
  "metrics": {
    "current_time": 0,
    "enqueue_item_counter": 1133674,
    "enqueue_size_counter": 1259289609,
    "enqueue_ts": 1314574422110,
    "dequeue_item_counter": 1133674,
    "dequeue_size_counter": 1259289609,
    "dequeue_ts": 1314574422110,
    "producer_counter": 1,
    "consumer_counter": 2,
    "producer_count": 1,
    "consumer_count": 2,
    "expired_item_counter": 0,
    "expired_size_counter": 0,
    "expired_ts": 0,
    "nack_item_counter": 0,
    "nack_size_counter": 0,
    "nack_ts": 0,
    "queue_size": 0,
    "queue_items": 0,
    "swapped_in_size_max": 0,
    "swapped_in_size": 0,
    "swapped_in_items": 0,
    "swapping_in_size": 0,
    "swapping_out_size": 0,
    "swap_out_item_counter": 0,
    "swap_out_size_counter": 0,
    "swap_in_item_counter": 0,
    "swap_in_size_counter": 0




Deletes the {dest} topic on the {host} virtual host. Returns a 304 (Not Modified) if the topic is being used by any clients.




Creates the {dest} topic on the {host} virtual host.



200 [QueueStatusDTO](

Gets metrics and details about {queue} consumer queue which is being used to spool messages being sent to the {dest} topic on the {host} virtual host.



`200 DataPageDTO paging QueueStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all durable subscription destinations on the {host} virtual host.



200 [QueueStatusDTO](

Gets metrics and details about the {dest} durable subscription on the {host} virtual host.

Connection Management


On Success



`200 DataPageDTO paging ServiceStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all connectors on the broker.



200 [ServiceStatusDTO](

Gets details about the {connector}. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/connectors/tcp.json

  "id": "tcp",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314573798510,
  "local_address": "/",
  "protocol": "any",
  "connection_counter": 100,
  "connected": 12

You can the ?connections=true query parameter to have a list of connections included n the result.




Stops the {connector}.




Starts the {connector}.



200 [AggregateConnectionMetricsDTO](

Aggregates metrics about the connections.



`200 DataPageDTO paging ConnectionStatusDTO


Provides tabular access to all connections on the broker.



200 [ConnectionStatusDTO](

Gets details about the {connection}. Example:

curl -u "admin:password" http://localhost:61680/broker/connections/108.json

  "id": "108",
  "state": "STARTED",
  "state_since": 1314574636579,
  "last_read_size": 0,
  "last_write_size": 32973,
  "read_counter": 106,
  "write_counter": 632923992,
  "connector: "tcp",
  "protocol": "stomp",
  "protocol_version": "1.0",
  "remote_address": "/",
  "local_address": "/",
  "user": "admin",
  "waiting_on": "client request",
  "subscription_count": 1




Deletes the {connection}.




Deletes the {connection}.

Broker Configuration Management


On Success



200 [BrokerDTO](

The runtime configuration the broker using. This version of the configuration has all property placeholders resolved and then password fields are cleared.



200 [BrokerDTO](

The runtime configuration the broker using. This version of the configuration has all property placeholders resolved and then password fields are cleared.



200 string array

A listing of the configuration files.



200 bytes

Downloads the contents of the config file.




Updates the contents of the config file. You can either post the raw bytes, or post a url encoded form with a field config set to the contents of the file. In the latter case, the content type is expected to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Session Management


On Success



200 [PrincipalDTO]( array

Lists the principals associated with your username. Example: curl -u “admin:password” http://localhost:61680/broker/whoami.json

  "name": "admin",
  "kind": "org.apache.activemq.jaas.UserPrincipal"
}, {
  "name": "admins",
  "kind": "org.apache.activemq.jaas.GroupPrincipal"



200 true

Log you in using the username and password query parameters. creates a cookie based session.



200 true

Signs you in using the username and password form parameters. Creates a cookie based session.



200 true

Signs you off by invalidating your session.