layout: default_md title: ActiveMQ 4.0 RC2 Release title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5

Overview > Download > ActiveMQ 3.2.1 Release

New and Noteworthy

This is the second release candiate release of 4.0.

This release of ActiveMQ includes a large number of [new features](New FeaturesFeatures/New Features/Features/New Features/changes-in-40) such as MasterSlave and [Message Groups](Consumer FeaturesFeatures/Consumer Features/Features/Consumer Features/message-groups) together with numerous bug fixes.


When upgrading from a previous release you are advised to clear down the journal files and persistent database first before upgrading to this jar as the binary format of messages is not compatible with 3.x or earlier 4.x releases.

What has changed

The 4.x branch of ActiveMQ has now moved to the Apache Incubator so the package names have changed from org.activemq to org.apache.activemq. For a full list see the [Changes in 4.0](New FeaturesFeatures/New Features/Features/New Features/changes-in-40).

Download Here

activemq-release-4.0-RC2.zipBinary Distribution in zip package
activemq-release-4.0-RC2-src.zipSource Distribution in zip package
activemq-release-4.0-RC2.tar.gzBinary Distribution in gz package
activemq-release-4.0-RC2-src.tar.gzSource Distribution in gz package


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes

Also see the previous ActiveMQ 4.0 M4 Release