layout: default_md title: ActiveMQ 4.0 M4 Release title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5

Overview > Download > ActiveMQ 3.2.1 Release

New and Noteworthy

This is the first milestone release of 4.x since the move to Apache so the package names have changed from org.activemq to org.apache.activemq. For a full list see the Changes in 4.0.

This release of ActiveMQ includes a large number of new features such as MasterSlave and Message Groups together with numerous bug fixes.

Download Here

activemq-release-4.0-M4.zipBinary Distribution in zip package
activemq-release-4.0-M4-src.zipSource Distribution in zip package
activemq-release-4.0-M4.tar.gzBinary Distribution in gz package
activemq-release-4.0-M4-src.tar.gzSource Distribution in gz package


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes