version: 5.18.0 release_notes: release_date: 2023-03-24 title: ActiveMQ 5.18.0 Release java_version: 11+ shortDescription: 5.18.0 is an important milestone. It brings initial JMS 2.0 (javax.jms API namespace) and Jakarta Messaging 3.1 (jakarta.jms API namespace) client support, Spring 5.3.x, a bunch of dependency updates, and a lot of fixes and improvements.

Apache ActiveMQ {{ page.version }} was released on {{ page.release_date | date_to_string: “ordinal”, “US” }}. It's a major milestone for the ActiveMQ project. ActiveMQ 5.18.x brings:

  • It brings initial JMS 2.0 (javax.jms API namespace) and Jakarta Messaging 3.1 (jakarta.jms API namespace) client support. See the JMS 2.0 page for more details on the available functionality and how to use the Jakarta Messaging support.
  • Spring 5.3.x
  • optimized LDAP use in LDAP JAAS login module
  • improved REST API
  • improved redelivery policy
  • a lot of dependency updates
  • and much more!

You can find details on the [release notes]({{ page.release_notes }}).