version: 6.1.1 release_notes: release_date: 2024-04-05 title: ActiveMQ Classic 6.1.1 Release java_version: 17+ shortDescription: Classic 6.1.1 is a maintanance release for ActiveMQ Classic, on the 6.1.x series. redirect_from:

  • /../../../activemq-6000101-release

Apache ActiveMQ Classic {{ page.version }} was released on {{ page.release_date | date_to_string: “ordinal”, “US” }}.

It's a major release for the project, especially bringing:

  • add firstMessageTimestamp in the StatisticsPlugin
  • fix on Docker images authentication
  • add sun.nio.* opens classes required for some transports
  • important dependency updates, especially Spring 6.1.5
  • and much more !

You can find details on the [release notes]({{ page.release_notes }}).