version: 5.17.5 release_notes: release_date: 2023-07-02 title: ActiveMQ Classic 5.17.5 Release java_version: 11+ shortDescription: Maintenance release on Classic 5.17.x series redirect_from:

  • /../../../activemq-5017005-release

Apache ActiveMQ Classic {{ page.version }} was released on {{ page.release_date | date_to_string: “ordinal”, “US” }}.

It's a maintenance release on the ActiveMQ Classic 5.17.x series, bringing:

  • fix on stale queues when a connection is long to shutdown
  • fix on KahaDB where the db files may be larger than the maxLength configuration
  • fix on composite consumers on a Network of Brokers
  • fix memory leak on STOMP transport when client unsubscribe
  • a bunch of dependency updates

You can find details on the [release notes]({{ page.release_notes }}).