layout: default_md title: ActiveMQ Message Properties title-class: page-title-activemq5 type: activemq5

Features > Message Features > ActiveMQ Message Properties

ActiveMQ Messages support the following default message properties:

Message Attributes Accessed as Properties:

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
JMSDestinationjavax.jms.DestinationSet by the producerDestination used by the producer.
JMSReplyTojavax.jms.DestinationnullUser defined.
JMSTypeString""User defined.
JMSDeliveryModeintDeliveryMode.PERSISTENTIndicator if messages should be persisted.
JMSPriorityint4Value from 0-9.
JMSMessageIDStringuniqueUnique identifier for the message.
JMSTimestamplongTime the message was sentTime in milliseconds.
JMSCorrelationIDStringnullUser defined.
JMSExpirationlong0Time in milliseconds to expire the message. A value of 0 means never expire.
JMSRedeliveredbooleanfalsetrue if the message is being resent to the consumer, persisted via persistJMSRedelivered

JMS Defined:

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
JMSXDeliveryCountint0Number of attempts to send the message.
JMSXGroupIDStringnullIdentity of the message group.
JMSXGroupSeqint0Sequence number of the message.
JMSXProducerTXIDStringnullTransaction identifier.

ActiveMQ Defined:

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
JMSActiveMQBrokerInTimelong0Time stamp (in milliseconds) for when the message arrived at the broker.
JMSActiveMQBrokerOutTimelong0Time stamp (in milliseconds) for when the message left the broker.