layout: default_md title: CMS 1.0 Download title-class: page-title-cms type: cms

New and Noteworthy

This is our first official release of ActiveMQ CPP. Some of the included features are:

  • CMS - a JMS-like API
  • Implementation of the Stomp protocol (compatable with AMQ broker 4.0.2 and later)
  • Extensible architecture for supporting additional messaging protocols (focus on OpenWire for the next major release)
  • Robust, Java-like library providing streams, readers/writers, and even a synchronized macro
  • Build has been tested on win32, linux, solaris, and OSX

NOTE: Compatable with ActiveMQ Broker version >= 4.0.2

Download Here

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Source code for
Source code for Unix (gzipped)activemq-cpp-1.0-src.tar.gzactivemq-cpp-1.0-src.tar.gz.asc

SVN Tag Checkout

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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes