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Apache ActiveMQ &#8482; -- NMS Simple Asynchronous Consumer Example
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<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><p>The sample shows how to create an NMS Consumer to consume messages asynchronously. </p>
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<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" style="font-size:12px;">
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Apache.NMS;
using Apache.NMS.Util;
namespace Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Test
public class TestMain
protected static AutoResetEvent semaphore = new AutoResetEvent(false);
protected static ITextMessage message = null;
protected static TimeSpan receiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Example connection strings:
// activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61616
// stomp:tcp://activemqhost:61613
// ems:tcp://tibcohost:7222
// msmq://localhost
Uri connecturi = new Uri("activemq:tcp://activemqhost:61616");
Console.WriteLine("About to connect to " + connecturi);
// NOTE: ensure the nmsprovider-activemq.config file exists in the executable folder.
IConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(connecturi);
using(IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using(ISession session = connection.CreateSession())
// Examples for getting a destination:
// Hard coded destinations:
// IDestination destination = session.GetQueue("FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue);
// IDestination destination = session.GetTopic("FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic);
// Embedded destination type in the name:
// IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue);
// IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "topic://FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic);
// Defaults to queue if type is not specified:
// IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue);
// .NET 3.5 Supports Extension methods for a simplified syntax:
// IDestination destination = session.GetDestination("queue://FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is IQueue);
// IDestination destination = session.GetDestination("topic://FOO.BAR");
// Debug.Assert(destination is ITopic);
IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://FOO.BAR");
Console.WriteLine("Using destination: " + destination);
// Create a consumer and producer
using(IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination))
using(IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination))
// Start the connection so that messages will be processed.
producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent;
producer.RequestTimeout = receiveTimeout;
consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(OnMessage);
// Send a message
ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World!");
request.NMSCorrelationID = "abc";
request.Properties["NMSXGroupID"] = "cheese";
request.Properties["myHeader"] = "Cheddar";
// Wait for the message
semaphore.WaitOne((int) receiveTimeout.TotalMilliseconds, true);
if(message == null)
Console.WriteLine("No message received!");
Console.WriteLine("Received message with ID: " + message.NMSMessageId);
Console.WriteLine("Received message with text: " + message.Text);
protected static void OnMessage(IMessage receivedMsg)
message = receivedMsg as ITextMessage;
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