blob: 2d0bec4082eed1dcc664282d3241a32234319a5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.activemq.openwire.generator.builtin;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.activemq.openwire.generator.AbstractGenerator;
import org.apache.activemq.openwire.generator.GeneratorUtils;
import org.apache.activemq.openwire.generator.OpenWirePropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.activemq.openwire.generator.OpenWireTypeDescriptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Generator that create a set of OpenWire command marshalers that can
* handle all OpenWire versions.
public class UniversalMarshallerGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UniversalMarshallerGenerator.class);
private final String codecBase = "org.apache.activemq.openwire.codec";
private final String codecPackage = codecBase + ".universal";
public void run(List<OpenWireTypeDescriptor> typeDescriptors) throws Exception {
final File outputFolder = GeneratorUtils.createDestination(getBaseDir(), codecPackage);"Output location for generated marshalers is: {}", outputFolder.getAbsolutePath());
for (final OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType : typeDescriptors) {
LOG.debug("Generating marshaller for type: {}", openWireType.getTypeName());
processClass(openWireType, outputFolder);
* @return the base codec package name where the OpenWire marshalers support code lives.
public String getCodecPackageBase() {
return codecBase;
* @return the package name where the OpenWire marshalers are written.
public String getCodecPackage() {
return codecPackage;
//----- Implementation ---------------------------------------------------//
protected void processClass(OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType, File outputFolder) throws Exception {
final File marshalerFile = new File(outputFolder, getClassName(openWireType) + ".java");
try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(marshalerFile));) {
LOG.debug("Output file: {}", marshalerFile.getAbsolutePath());
writePreamble(out, openWireType);
writeClassDefinition(out, openWireType);
writeTypeSupportMethods(out, openWireType);
writeTightUnmarshal(out, openWireType);
writeTightMarshal1(out, openWireType);
writeTightMarshal2(out, openWireType);
writeLooseMarshal(out, openWireType);
writeLooseUnmarshal(out, openWireType);
writeClassClosure(out, openWireType);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void writePreamble(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println("package " + getCodecPackage() + ";");
Set<String> languageTypes = new HashSet<String>();
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final Class<?> type = property.getType();
if (type.getCanonicalName().startsWith("java.util")) {
} else if (type.getCanonicalName().startsWith("org.fusesource.")) {
for (String languageType : languageTypes) {
out.println("import " + languageType + ";");
out.println("import " + getCodecPackageBase() + ".*;");
out.println("import " + openWireType.getPackageName() + ".*;");
private void writeClassDefinition(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
final String abstractModifier = openWireType.isAbstract() ? "abstract " : "";
final String className = getClassName(openWireType);
final String baseClassName = getBaseClassName(openWireType);
out.println(" * Marshalling code for Open Wire for " + openWireType.getTypeName() + "");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * NOTE!: This file is auto generated - do not modify!");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" */");
out.println("public " + abstractModifier + "class " + className + " extends " + baseClassName + " {");
private void writeTypeSupportMethods(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
if (!openWireType.isAbstract()) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Return the type of Data Structure handled by this Marshaler");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @return short representation of the type data structure");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public byte getDataStructureType() {");
out.println(" return " + openWireType.getTypeName() + ".DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE;");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" ");
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * @return a new instance of the managed type.");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public DataStructure createObject() {");
out.println(" return new " + openWireType.getTypeName() + "();");
out.println(" }");
private void writeTightUnmarshal(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Un-marshal an object instance from the data input stream");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @param wireFormat the OpenWireFormat instance to use");
out.println(" * @param target the object to un-marshal");
out.println(" * @param dataIn the data input stream to build the object from");
out.println(" * @param bs the boolean stream where the type's booleans were marshaled");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the data");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public void tightUnmarshal(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object target, DataInput dataIn, BooleanStream bs) throws IOException {");
out.println(" super.tightUnmarshal(wireFormat, target, dataIn, bs);");
if (openWireType.hasProperties()) {
out.println(" " + openWireType.getTypeName() + " info = (" + openWireType.getTypeName() + ") target;");
if (isOpenWireVersionNeeded(openWireType)) {
out.println(" int version = wireFormat.getVersion();");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.beforeUnmarshall(wireFormat);");
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final int size = property.getSize();
final String typeName = property.getTypeName();
final String setter = property.getSetterName();
String indent = " ";
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if (version >= " + property.getVersion() + ") {");
if (property.isArray() && !typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
final String arrayType = property.getType().getComponentType().getSimpleName();
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "{");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + " value[] = new " + arrayType + "[" + size + "];");
out.println(indent + " " + "for (int i = 0; i < " + size + "; i++) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") tightUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat,dataIn, bs);");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(value);");
out.println(indent + "}");
} else {
out.println(indent + "if (bs.readBoolean()) {");
out.println(indent + " short size = dataIn.readShort();");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + " value[] = new " + arrayType + "[size];");
out.println(indent + " for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") tightUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat,dataIn, bs);");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(value);");
out.println(indent + "} else {");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(null);");
out.println(indent + "}");
} else {
if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(bs.readBoolean());");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readByte());");
} else if (typeName.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readChar());");
} else if (typeName.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readShort());");
} else if (typeName.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readInt());");
} else if (typeName.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(tightUnmarshalLong(wireFormat, dataIn, bs));");
} else if (typeName.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(tightUnmarshalString(dataIn, bs));");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
if (size >= 0) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(tightUnmarshalConstByteArray(dataIn, bs, " + size + "));");
} else {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(tightUnmarshalByteArray(dataIn, bs));");
} else if (typeName.equals("Buffer")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(tightUnmarshalByteSequence(dataIn, bs));");
} else if (property.isThrowable()) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + property.getTypeName() + ") tightUnmarsalThrowable(wireFormat, dataIn, bs));");
} else if (property.isCached()) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + property.getTypeName() + ") tightUnmarsalCachedObject(wireFormat, dataIn, bs));");
} else {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + property.getTypeName() + ") tightUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat, dataIn, bs));");
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
out.println(" }");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.afterUnmarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" }");
private void writeTightMarshal1(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Write the booleans that this object uses to a BooleanStream");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @param wireFormat the OpenWireFormat instance to use");
out.println(" * @param source the object to marshal");
out.println(" * @param bs the boolean stream where the type's booleans are written");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the data");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public int tightMarshal1(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object source, BooleanStream bs) throws IOException {");
if (openWireType.hasProperties()) {
out.println(" " + openWireType.getTypeName() + " info = (" + openWireType.getTypeName() + ") source;");
if (isOpenWireVersionNeeded(openWireType)) {
out.println(" int version = wireFormat.getVersion();");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.beforeMarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" int rc = super.tightMarshal1(wireFormat, source, bs);");
int baseSize = 0;
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final int size = property.getSize();
final String typeName = property.getTypeName();
final String getter = "info." + property.getGetterName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if (version >= " + property.getVersion() + ") {");
if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "bs.writeBoolean(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte")) {
baseSize += 1;
} else if (typeName.equals("char")) {
baseSize += 2;
} else if (typeName.equals("short")) {
baseSize += 2;
} else if (typeName.equals("int")) {
baseSize += 4;
} else if (typeName.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalLong1(wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalString1(" + getter + ", bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalConstByteArray1(" + getter + ", bs, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalByteArray1(" + getter + ", bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("Buffer")) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalByteSequence1(" + getter + ", bs);");
} else if (property.isArray()) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalObjectArrayConstSize1(wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalObjectArray1(wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs);");
} else if (property.isThrowable()) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalThrowable1(wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs);");
} else {
if (property.isCached()) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalCachedObject1(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", bs);");
} else {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalNestedObject1(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", bs);");
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
out.println(" }");
out.println(" return rc + " + baseSize + ";");
out.println(" }");
private void writeTightMarshal2(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Write a object instance to data output stream");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @param wireFormat the OpenWireFormat instance to use");
out.println(" * @param source the object to marshal");
out.println(" * @param dataOut the DataOut where the properties are written");
out.println(" * @param bs the boolean stream where the type's booleans are written");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the data");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public void tightMarshal2(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object source, DataOutput dataOut, BooleanStream bs) throws IOException {");
out.println(" super.tightMarshal2(wireFormat, source, dataOut, bs);");
if (openWireType.hasProperties()) {
out.println(" " + openWireType.getTypeName() + " info = (" + openWireType.getTypeName() + ") source;");
if (isOpenWireVersionNeeded(openWireType)) {
out.println(" int version = wireFormat.getVersion();");
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final int size = property.getSize();
final String typeName = property.getTypeName();
final String getter = "info." + property.getGetterName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if (version >= " + property.getVersion() + ") {");
if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "bs.readBoolean();");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeByte(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeChar(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeShort(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeInt(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalLong2(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalString2(" + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalConstByteArray2(" + getter + ", dataOut, bs, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalByteArray2(" + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else if (typeName.equals("Buffer")) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalByteSequence2(" + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else if (property.isArray()) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalObjectArrayConstSize2(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalObjectArray2(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else if (property.isThrowable()) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalThrowable2(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else {
if (property.isCached()) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalCachedObject2(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
} else {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalNestedObject2(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", dataOut, bs);");
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
out.println(" }");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.afterMarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" }");
private void writeLooseUnmarshal(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Un-marshal an object instance from the data input stream");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @param target the object to un-marshal");
out.println(" * @param dataIn the data input stream to build the object from");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the data");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public void looseUnmarshal(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object target, DataInput dataIn) throws IOException {");
out.println(" super.looseUnmarshal(wireFormat, target, dataIn);");
if (openWireType.hasProperties()) {
out.println(" " + openWireType.getTypeName() + " info = (" + openWireType.getTypeName() + ") target;");
if (isOpenWireVersionNeeded(openWireType)) {
out.println(" int version = wireFormat.getVersion();");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.beforeUnmarshall(wireFormat);");
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final int size = property.getSize();
final String typeName = property.getTypeName();
final String setter = property.getSetterName();
String indent = " ";
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if (version >= " + property.getVersion() + ") {");
if (property.isArray() && !typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
final String arrayType = property.getType().getComponentType().getSimpleName();
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "{");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + " value[] = new " + arrayType + "[" + size + "];");
out.println(indent + " " + "for (int i = 0; i < " + size + "; i++) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") looseUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat,dataIn);");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(value);");
out.println(indent + "}");
} else {
out.println(indent + "if (dataIn.readBoolean()) {");
out.println(indent + " short size = dataIn.readShort();");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + " value[] = new " + arrayType + "[size];");
out.println(indent + " for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") looseUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat,dataIn);");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(value);");
out.println(indent + "} else {");
out.println(indent + " info." + setter + "(null);");
out.println(indent + "}");
} else {
if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readBoolean());");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readByte());");
} else if (typeName.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readChar());");
} else if (typeName.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readShort());");
} else if (typeName.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(dataIn.readInt());");
} else if (typeName.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(looseUnmarshalLong(wireFormat, dataIn));");
} else if (typeName.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(looseUnmarshalString(dataIn));");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(looseUnmarshalConstByteArray(dataIn, " + size + "));");
} else {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(looseUnmarshalByteArray(dataIn));");
} else if (typeName.equals("Buffer")) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "(looseUnmarshalByteSequence(dataIn));");
} else if (property.isThrowable()) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + typeName + ") looseUnmarsalThrowable(wireFormat, dataIn));");
} else if (property.isCached()) {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + typeName + ") looseUnmarsalCachedObject(wireFormat, dataIn));");
} else {
out.println(indent + "info." + setter + "((" + typeName + ") looseUnmarsalNestedObject(wireFormat, dataIn));");
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
out.println(" }");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.afterUnmarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" }");
private void writeLooseMarshal(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
out.println(" /**");
out.println(" * Write the object to the output using loose marshaling.");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the data");
out.println(" */");
out.println(" public void looseMarshal(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object source, DataOutput dataOut) throws IOException {");
if (openWireType.hasProperties()) {
out.println(" " + openWireType.getTypeName() + " info = (" + openWireType.getTypeName() + ") source;");
if (isOpenWireVersionNeeded(openWireType)) {
out.println(" int version = wireFormat.getVersion();");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.beforeMarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" super.looseMarshal(wireFormat, source, dataOut);");
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
final int size = property.getSize();
final String typeName = property.getTypeName();
final String getter = "info." + property.getGetterName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if (version >= " + property.getVersion() + ") {");
if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeBoolean(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeByte(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeChar(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeShort(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut.writeInt(" + getter + ");");
} else if (typeName.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalLong(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else if (typeName.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalString(" + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else if (typeName.equals("byte[]")) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalConstByteArray(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalByteArray(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else if (typeName.equals("Buffer")) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalByteSequence(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else if (property.isArray()) {
if (size > 0) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalObjectArrayConstSize(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, " + size + ");");
} else {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalObjectArray(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else if (property.isThrowable()) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalThrowable(wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else {
if (property.isCached()) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalCachedObject(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", dataOut);");
} else {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalNestedObject(wireFormat, (DataStructure)" + getter + ", dataOut);");
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
out.println(" }");
if (openWireType.isMarshalAware()) {
out.println(" info.afterMarshall(wireFormat);");
out.println(" }");
private void writeClassClosure(PrintWriter out, OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
//----- Helper Methods for Code Generation -------------------------------//
private boolean isOpenWireVersionNeeded(OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
for (final OpenWirePropertyDescriptor property : openWireType.getProperties()) {
if (property.getVersion() > 1) {
return true;
return false;
private String getClassName(OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
return openWireType.getTypeName() + "Marshaller";
private String getBaseClassName(OpenWireTypeDescriptor openWireType) {
String answer = "BaseDataStreamMarshaller";
final String superName = openWireType.getSuperClass();
if (!superName.equals("Object") &&
!superName.equals("JNDIBaseStorable") &&
!superName.equals("DataStructureSupport")) {
answer = superName + "Marshaller";
return answer;