Simplify exception handling. Compact Framework does not support dynamic assembly reflection. Also, STOMP protocol has much simpler scenarios.
diff --git a/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs b/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs
index 5643d21..b379bf4 100755
--- a/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs
+++ b/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs
@@ -605,16 +605,13 @@
ExceptionResponse error = response as ExceptionResponse;
NMSException exception = CreateExceptionFromBrokerError(error.Exception);
- if(exception is InvalidClientIDException)
- {
- // This is non-recoverable.
- // Shutdown the transport connection, and re-create it, but don't start it.
- // It will be started if the connection is re-attempted.
- this.transport.Stop();
- ITransport newTransport = TransportFactory.CreateTransport(this.brokerUri);
- SetTransport(newTransport);
- throw exception;
- }
+ // This is non-recoverable.
+ // Shutdown the transport connection, and re-create it, but don't start it.
+ // It will be started if the connection is re-attempted.
+ this.transport.Stop();
+ ITransport newTransport = TransportFactory.CreateTransport(this.brokerUri);
+ SetTransport(newTransport);
+ throw exception;
@@ -932,63 +929,7 @@
return new BrokerException(brokerError);
- NMSException exception = null;
- String message = brokerError.Message;
- // We only create instances of exceptions from the NMS API
- Assembly nmsAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(NMSException));
- // First try and see if it's one we populated ourselves in which case
- // it will have the correct namespace and exception name.
- Type exceptionType = nmsAssembly.GetType(exceptionClassName, false, true);
- // Exceptions from the broker don't have the same namespace, so we
- // trim that and try using the NMS namespace to see if we can get an
- // NMSException based version of the same type. We have to convert
- // the JMS prefixed exceptions to NMS also.
- if(null == exceptionType)
- {
- if(exceptionClassName.StartsWith("java.lang.SecurityException"))
- {
- exceptionClassName = "Apache.NMS.InvalidClientIDException";
- }
- else if(!exceptionClassName.StartsWith("Apache.NMS"))
- {
- string transformClassName;
- if(exceptionClassName.Contains("."))
- {
- int pos = exceptionClassName.LastIndexOf(".");
- transformClassName = exceptionClassName.Substring(pos + 1).Replace("JMS", "NMS");
- }
- else
- {
- transformClassName = exceptionClassName;
- }
- exceptionClassName = "Apache.NMS." + transformClassName;
- }
- exceptionType = nmsAssembly.GetType(exceptionClassName, false, true);
- }
- if(exceptionType != null)
- {
- object[] args = null;
- if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
- {
- args = new object[1];
- args[0] = message;
- }
- exception = Activator.CreateInstance(exceptionType, args) as NMSException;
- }
- else
- {
- exception = new BrokerException(brokerError);
- }
- return exception;
+ return new InvalidClientIDException(brokerError.Message);