blob: 158b03cedd8a3b0136df0561a42f444154063ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Apache.NMS.AMQP : Apache NMS for AMQP Client Library
* Initial Release Notes
1.0 Welcome
Welcome to Apache NMS AMQP! This NMS Provider will connect to the AMQP
messaging protocol. Versions Amqp1.0 and Amqp0.10 are supported. NMS
applications using this provider may communicate with Amqp Brokers
such as Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Qpid qpidd, and messaging
infrastructure such as Apache Qpid Dispatch Router.
2.0 Implementation Overview
The AMQP Provider leverages the interop binding "Apache Qpid
.NET Binding for C++ Messaging". The .NET Binding is an interop layer
that connects .NET programs to the Qpid native C++ protocol engine
The general architecture is:
| NMS Application |
| |
| NMS AMQP Provider |
| Apache.NMS.AMQP.dll |
managed V
(.NET) +-------------------------------+
::::::::::::::::::::::| Qpid Interop Binding |::::::::::::
unmanaged | org.apache.qpid.messaging.dll |
(Native Win32/64) +-------------+-----------------+
| Qpid C++ Messaging Libraries |
| qpid*.dll |
| |
V |
+-----------------+ |
| Boost Libraries | |
+--------+--------+ |
| |
| MSVC Runtime Libraries |
3.0 Getting Started
3.1 Installing Apache Qpid vendor files
In order to use the AMQP Provider your application must have the
Apache Qpid native and supporting libraries available on the path.
These files are installed automatically during the nant
installation of the Apache.Qpid vendor kit.
3.2 Selecting the correct Apache Qpid vendor files
The Apache Qpid vendor files are shipped in two versions:
* .NET 2.0 Compiled with Visual Studio 2008
* .NET 4.0 Compiled with Visual Studio 2010
Each of these kits is built for the 32-bit x86 platform in both Debug
and Release configurations. A typical kit holds:
* The Apache Qpid interop library
* Apache Qpid/Proton library files
* Boost library files
3.3 Building your Application
A HelloWorld application is included in the Apache.NMS.AMQP
development tree to get users off to a quick start.
This project selects:
Visual Studio : 2010
Configuration : Debug
.NET Framework : 4.0
Platform : AnyCPU
HelloWorld builds and runs on both 32-bit x86 and 64-bit x64 systems
as long as the base project is built with the AnyCPU or the x64
Platform. The Apache Qpid subsystem will not load under .NET projects
that specify the x64 Platform.
4.0 Using the Apache.NMS.AMQP Provider
4.1 Creating AMQP Connections
Connections to AMQP brokers and endpoints are controlled by arguments
to the ConnectionFactory constructor. By default connections use
protocol "amqp1.0".
Uri connecturi = new Uri("amqp:tcp:localhost:5672");
string clientID = "abc";
Hashtable options = new Hashtable();
options["username"] = "guest";
options["password"] = "secret";
options["protocol"] = "amqp1.0"; // or "amqp0-10"
IConnectionFactory factory = new
NMSConnectionFactory(connecturi, clientID, options);
In this release connection options are passed through an option table
and not through the connect URI/URL. More information about connection
options is available at:
5.0 Future Considerations
* 64-bit x64 Apache Qpid vendor kit
* Support for more robust object message formats
* Transactions and message durability
* Unit test/system tests